Hi, Colombia! - Picture Contest - No participants, contest canceled!

Day 3,317, 14:36 Published in Colombia North Korea by Silexu
Hola Colombia!

I received no pictures about Colombia from the players. I will write directly the Globe Trotter article but most probable only tomorrow.


Many thanks to Maykol 16 who promptly invited me in the Brasil article and instantly granted me the citizenship in Colombia.

After a short trip back to Europe I am quickly back in another beautiful country of South America: Colombia.
With a geography ranging from high mountains to beautiful beaches, with savanna, desert and amazonian forest, I am sure the nature will provide an inspiration for the pictures.
The cities with a combined old a new architecture will not be less appealing. As usual, I am looking forward to local people that knows better their country to present its hidden beauties.

Back to the standard presentation of the article.

I started a Globe Trotter project and I would like to write an article about Colombia (see presentation article, or three overview articles written since then: Season 1, Season 2 and Season 3 each with 11 countries visited).

The article will contain pictures and small text about the beauty of the country; it is very possible that pictures proposed in the Picture Contest will reach this article.

The next pictures are only a pale image of the beauty of Colombia. If you want to discover more, or you want to contribute please follow the picture contest.

Medellin was voted in 2013 as the most innovative city in the world in a competence sponsored by The Wall Street Journal and Citi, beating other major cities in the world like Tel Aviv and New York.

Attending a festival in Colombia is an absolute necessity if you want to experience the people and the culture. The Carnaval de Barranquilla leads the pack as the best one in the country and is only rivaled by the festival in Rio de Janeiro as the best festival in the world.

Cartagena. Caribbean city of colonial influence will shock you with variety of colours.

Source: 100 Reasons to Visit Colombia

Picture contest
Short version
Send me in a message up to three pictures that resembles Colombia each with a small text describing the picture and you may win 500CC.

Long version
The project, called Picture Contest, is split in three phases:
- Picture proposal;
- Picture voting;
- Handling the prize (500CC) to the winner.

Picture proposal
In order to enter the contest you have to provide me, in a private message (not comment or shout), picture(s) from Colombia. I will answer every message to show that I received the pictures. If you don't receive a confirmation, the message may be lost (it happened in France) so please send it again. Please respect this rule it is more difficult to collect pictures from all places.

You can send me max 5 pictures from every player, please put them in clear order in one message. Please also put a small text describing every picture. If in total there are less than 12 pictures proposed I post all the pictures. Otherwise I will choose the first ones from each player.

The deadline for sending me pictures is 10:00 eRep time on day 3319.

In the situation there is only one player, I will stop the contest and handle a prize of 200CC to him/her and I will no proceed to voting.

Disclaimer: The pictures you will provide may be part of the final article; it would be a pity not to use such beautiful pictures.

Picture voting
After the first deadline I will post all the selected pictures from the received ones (see above about selected pictures per player). The posting may happen in this article, or in a separate one for visibility. I will allow people to vote 3 pictures. The vote will end at 10:00 eRep time on day 3321.

Handling the prize
I will count first vote as 3 points, second as 2 points and third as 1 point. The picture with most points will be the winner; the player who proposed it will receive 500CC. If I receive donations I will supplement the prizes.
Globe Trotter Itinerary

I have no invitations for any new countries. So if you want me to come to your country and think you can support me in getting CS please send me a message and I will add your country to the list.

Instead I have promises for support in getting CS for next countries. As I mentioned before, if I will receive a direct invitation, that will mean more interest for the project, so I will add/move the country to the previous list.

Hi, Colombia! - Enter the picture contest and you can win 500CC