Recap of Hypocrisy

Day 572, 22:50 Published in China China by Zhou San

Good Morning China. I'm a bit bored because Monday is my day off while everyone else I know is at work (suckers) and I certainly don't want to go outside today (Changsha: 34C - Heat Index of 41C!! Clearly one of the "4 Ovens" of China on a day like this.). So I thought I would use my precious time pointing out hypocritical and nonsensical comments from Juche. They are clever in that they spread these comments around all the news in the hope that you don't read all of them. So, for the first time ever, I bring you: The Recap of Hypocrisy for the last 6 days.

Generic hypocrisy will be left out so as to not water down an already extensive list of hypocrisy.

1) Traitor in Congress pushes China closer to Civil War - 6 days ago - (See also -

Discussion of the failed attempt by Juche and Joseph Stalinator to remove President Snayke of China from power. With valid speculation that the Juche "leadership" is actually working with Iran

a)"@ Kim Jong Rad - How much did Joseph Stalinator and his, ahem, foreign investors, pay you to betray Our Nation?" - Torgo
b)"the thing is, they are not only ridding us of snayke. they are installing an Iranian president.
The Freedome candidate will become the new president of china, should this bill pass.
Some extremist rebels have moved to Iran
It is reasonable to assume that Iran is the foreign backer of the extremist rebellion (Juche). It figures. the g00ns sell out their brothers to side with our opressors." -
Wojtowicz Chinese Investments
c)"(quoting Juche and point out hypocrisy) "We would pursue the same plans as Snayke and the Juchebox party, he has done an excellent job economically and we would do little to reverse this, save discriminatorily high wages to goons and better job opportunities for goons."
"Snayke has done nothing for this nation, and grows fat and corrupt from his power, having been cut off from the goon collective and abandoning his brothers."" -
Wojtowicz Chinese Investments

2) 笑看白日梦 - 6 days ago -

First example of Juche trying to ban the Chinese language, referred to as "Moonspeak".

"'Supporting' both English and Simplified Chinese in eChina is hardly reason for outrage." -Snayke

3) President Snayke defeats Resistance-lead Impeachment Attempt! - 5 days ago -

Basically, just an article congratulating Snayke for defeating the impeachment, but with one great comment:
"Actually, most of the Juche Box Party supports the Eminence act (establishing West Korea), but do not disapprove of Snayke's job as president." - Joseph Stalinator

4) To Fractured Juche - 5 days ago -

My own article. Shows how Kim Jong Rad and Dongles have stolen the Reserve Bank, sold off OUR government companies and then kept their illegal proceeds despite a call to return it to the treasury.

a)"You do realize that the companies are necessary to maintain the Chinese standard of living if the job market were to plummet again, right?" - Bohao
b)"At the moment, there are no job offers for new citizens in your country (skill between 0 and 0.99). Providing jobs for your fellow citizens will help your country grow! "
Maybe if you payed attention to current events you would know this. It's sad that West Korea is in the hands of those who would ignore these things." - Stalin-Chan
c)"I too received the message Stalin-chan posted. This is not tolerable and Snayke must be removed." - Der Strudel
(Please note B and C are from where they argue that Snayke is responsible for this situation after they are the ones who sold off our SOE companies [and kept the money] which were providing skill level 0 jobs)

5) Next stop, Sichuan - 4 days ago -

Nothing too hypocritical here. But note: "While we still celebrate the return of Hubei, Hunan and Jiangxi, China will once again celebrate even more as the battle for Sichuan rages." At this point Sichuan is also free. The many comments that blast Snayke of doing nothing are refuted here. Snaykle is responsible for freeing more land than anyone since Logomaster was our glorious president.

6) Snayke resigns from the Juche Box Party - 4 days ago -

Article shows the many Juche who have left the party (many who haven't yet joined another party but will vote against Juche) as well as shining more light on the radicals.

a)"This is the end of Juche, they couldn't even muster the votes to impeach Snayke, how will they ever possible get anything done without compromising their radical eIranian philosophy?" - Ma Chao
b)"Now that the purge of cowards has been completed JUCHEBOX is ready to conquer all of Korea and lead the way to Glorious Times!" - Gorgo Primus (not knowing that 50 more members would leave since he said that)

7) A New Future for Juche - 4 days ago -

Hilarious article full of hypocrisy. Would take too much time to list everything but I will summarize. KJR puts the burden of proof on his accusers (a non-Juche Party ideology) about his eIran connections and his sale of the government companies (although Dongles admits keeping the money in article #11). Also supported by Kim Jong Rad and Juche, is the nationalization of the food industries (but didn't he just sell government food and grain companies???) and a heavy tax system to punish all but "those who don't actively work to undermine the regime". With the punishing tax system in place he suggests sky high food prices so that his party can control who gets to eat each day. Finally he also suggests a national wellness plan that is infeasible; Bohao confronts this but his valid question is never answere😛
"China isn't rich. It has never been rich. I have recently gifted all of my workers to 40 wellness, so that they can fight in the war. I spent all of my money gifting 4 people, and that was with scanning global markets to find the cheapest gifts available. How do you expect to gather enough money to gift all of China, other than raise taxes to unbearable amounts?"


Unlike Rad's plan in #7, Flem actually gives specific numbers, is open to debate, and makes compromises. Juche members ridicule Flem, without giving criticism or their own numbers.

9) And Thus All Juche's Excellent Reasoning Koalesced - 4 days ago -

Kim is asked some hard hitting questions and comments which he fails to answer:
a)"However, the Juche Box Party was never oppressed by the small and weak. Rather, it is currently attempting to oppress the small and weak, with its nonsense about West Korea and banning Chinese." - Bohao
b)"Exactly. Consider how their party started too; by TOing an independent party and oppressing that party's views." - Zhou Jia Gong Ye
c)"Kim, have you ever considered starting a business and competing with myself and Laffo in industy? You can't really talk economics and what is good for a country unless you have been part of BOTH sides (employee and employer)." - Flem Inc

10) The New Real China - 4 days ago -

a)"Juche can survive if its followers first support the people before their own wealth." - Kim Jong Rad (says the man who stole the bank and kept the proceeds from the sales of 2 government companies)
b)"Snayke already provided all these things. Your platform of creating SOE-companies is just populism since it is your party that sold off the existing SOEs." - Zhou Jia Gong Ye (comment was ignored)

11) The King is Dead, Hail to the King - 4 days ago -

a)"The gold will be spent in accordance with my economic policy at a later date." - Dongles, referring to the illegal sale of the 2 companies.
b)"The money in KJR and Dongles hands are doing more for citizens than money lining your filthy pockets." - Helmuth von Moltke, hurting his cause rather then helping
c)"Snayke and Dongles were in control of the Reserve Bank of China. Snayke lost control of it. The government-sponsored companies were sold, and were never seen again. As far as I know, there have been no reports of non-Juche people suddenly gaining in wealth. Nor have there been any reports of people receiving food or gifts from the Juche." - Bohao

12) 站起来对抗极端势力 - 4 days ago -

More Chinese bashing complete with incorrect knowledge of Korea.

"Bogao, why would you think Korean be the Language of West Korea? It is just as inefficient and developmentally retarded as Chinese." - Helmuth von Moltke, who doesn't know that Korean characters represent an alphabet exactly like English characters.

13) And Thus All Juche's Enemies Ridiculously Killed Democracy - 3 days ago -

Claims that since they have the numbers, they don't have to care about the rest of us (very democratic, he should rename the title of his article).

"Now, at the last elections, how did the nationalist "Chinese" party fare? Not well. It was slaughtered by the Juche Box Party, which, with over 70% of the vote, truly represents the people". - Joseph Stalinator.

Now I ask, Joe, how many of you have been here longer than almost anyone in the China Party? The will of the Chinese people can easily be trumped when you TO a country with bigger numbers.

"We must cease bowing to the interests of a small, impassioned minority. Juche has come too far to see its dreams crushed by insane reactionaries." - Joseph Stalinator

Exactly! So leave the Juche Party along with your ilk and stop destroying a party that was semi-respectable only 6 days ago.

other good stuff in the comments but this is taking longer to write than I thought.

14) The question of Romania - 2 days ago -

President Snayke outlines his plan and thoughts on making peace with Romania. Juche opposes will all its might but alas only 2 congressmen vote "NO" ( See for more comments bad-mouthing Romania. Yet why only 2 votes? Seems you don't control all your congressmen Kim Jong Rad.

15) Loyalty In eChina - 2 days ago -

Rad begins calling people who oppose him "enemy of the state" in a futile attempt to show power he does not have.

"Joseph Stalinator once said to me "your country does not dare do anything against Korea, because we have in your country 200 Goon reservists who will rise in arms against your government if you dare to make a move against Glorious Leader."

Well, I told him that that might be so, but that we had 200 street posts in this eCountry, and that that was where the reservists would be hanging the day after they tried to rise. And if there are any Goons here who are so ungrateful for all the benefits they have received from Snayke- if there be any so ignorant that they are still for Kim Jong Rad, there is only one thing to do with them. And that is to hog-tie them, give them back the wooden shoes and the rags they landed in, and march them back to their Korean homes." - Legion437, Amen brother

16) Under Snaykes Leadership New Citizens Are Starving In The Streets. - yesterday -

More hypocrisy, claiming there is a food crisis while our market has more food for sale then ever before. After failing with blind propaganda, Juche Congressmen claim: "At the moment, there are no job offers for new citizens in your country (skill between 0 and 0.99). Providing jobs for your fellow citizens will help your country grow!".

When countered that the government owned factories (that they sold and embezzled the tax payer money) were providing the 0 skill level jobs, their answer: silence.

17) Forums for everyone - yesterday -

President Snayke creates a multi-lingual forum for eChina. 3 of Juche's leadership publicly state they have joined (including Rad who has posted on said Forum) despite the fact that it is a forum for "eChina", thereby discrediting their own "West Korean" pipe dream.

1😎 West Korean Gooseberry - today -

No real point, just funny Juche propaganda.

19) West Korea at a crossroads - today -

Originally titled "China at a crossroads". (See appendix for some deleted article info that some of you may or may not have seen). Well, the author used the word "China", which according to Kim Jong Rad, is now an offense which will ostracize you in the Juche Party.

Rad's lapdog, Gorgus, argues: "Rad has sent debildevil to a reeducation centre. Now he is welcome again.See; Rad is not an unreasonable man." Why no comment from Rad himself? Why such blatant hypocrisy ?

20) A new flag for Beijing - today -

Hilarious attempt (purposely ironic?) to use the Republican flag as a Communist flag. Either proves Kim Jong Rad is a little slow, or his first use of tactful humour to date. I hope its the second option, but looking at his "policies" you never know. Also congrats to keeping an article posted longer than an hour.

20) The Imperialist Farms - today -

After ridiculing the poster for using "Imperialist" in his company name, we find that KJR works for a multi-national company based in the eUK. Support for China, indeed.

Appendix - aka, some of Rad's deleted stuff

I forget most but the general idea was that China should be called "West Korea" and anyone using the word "China" is to be branded an "enemy of the state". Don't worry too much though, since apparently his own party can use Chinese or say "China" and there is no repercussions. On a side note, while I didn't see the first article he claimed was deleted, I did read the second and, for the first time ever, I must side with you KJR on the fact that I don't believe his article deserved to be deleted. Unless demanding everyone refer to themselves as citizens of a fictional country is against some rule or something.


1) How Strong? What is the common answer? "Juche Box Strong"? Fact: Since Kim Jong Rad and his cronies took control of the Juche Party, membership has declined from 250 to 176, or just under 30% of the membership have left. I think the appropriate answer would be "Not Very"

2) Snayke is a lame duck President? Not a chance. I still rate him below Logomaster, but he has liberated many provinces, created skill level 0 hiring companies to entice new players to stay (before they were sold by KJR and Dongles...who now argue there are no level 0 jobs, and who have as a policy the nationalization of the food industry even as they sell our nationalized food company), created a new forum that promotes working together, and has stood up to his own political base in a rare show of morality for a politician.

3) Juche members who are not brainwashed or a little slow, in one hours time: a) vote for "Free Mind" to show your discontent with Kim Jong Rad; b) leave Juche Box Party and join a party that truly wants to see a great eChina; or c) vote for Kim Jong rad and promote the destruction of your party and eChina.