Loyalty In eChina

Day 570, 22:09 Published in China China by Legion437

I know that it can be difficult for eCitizens of China to realize the magnitude of the silent war in which we are currently involved. We have problems in this war no other nations have, a problem that no other eNation has ever faced. Fortunately, the great majority of Chinese eCitizens have, in this great crisis of our history, shown themselves splendidly loyal to the true Glorious Leader.

Everyone had a right to sympathize with any propagandist. But now that we are in the war there are only two sides, and the time has come when every citizen must declare himself a loyal citizen of eChina – or a traitor!

We must disappoint the eKoreans who have always believed that the Korean-Chinese Goons here would risk their property, their children's future, and their own neck, and take up arms for their false Glorious Leader, Kim Jong Rad. Joseph Stalinator once said to me "your country does not dare do anything against Korea, because we have in your country 200 Goon reservists who will rise in arms against your government if you dare to make a move against Glorious Leader."

Well, I told him that that might be so, but that we had 200 street posts in this eCountry, and that that was where the reservists would be hanging the day after they tried to rise. And if there are any Goons here who are so ungrateful for all the benefits they have received from Snayke- if there be any so ignorant that they are still for Kim Jong Rad, there is only one thing to do with them. And that is to hog-tie them, give them back the wooden shoes and the rags they landed in, and march them back to their Korean homes.

I have travelled this year over all the great land of eChina. I have walked through the Beijing fields of grain, toured the many glorious factories, scaled the Mountains and toiled in the great Breadmines’ depths. And in all these lands, there is no animal that bites and kicks and squeals and scratches, that would bite and squeal and scratch equal to a fat Korean-Chinese, if you commenced to tie him up and told him that he was on his way back to the Korea.

Now, I make this plea to all eChina citizens and ask three things:
-Do not follow this radical minority that wishes to make the great eChina a subsidy of Korea.
-Maintain your pride in eChina, stand up and fight for our glorious flag
-Help prevent these Koreans from a TO of eChina

I put my faith in Snayke, he is my Glorious Leader. He cares for eChina and wants only the best for our great eNation. I will stand by him and resist the Korean dissenters.

To those sheep who wish to abolish the Chinese name and salute the Korean flag:
Get the flock out of eChina, now.