To Fractured Juche

Day 567, 20:52 Published in China China by Zhou San

First I wish both sides the best of luck. Parties have split throughout history and often it makes them stronger in the end.

Well anyways... I have just finished my daily routine of looking for good deals in the "Companies for Sale" section (you never know when you will find a great deal). Well I found 2 great deals:

Now I already have a grain company but I am eying up that food company. That's awesome for 18 gold. Now my profit driven mind has had me almost click the buy button 10 times in the last 10 minutes but I will refuse (although bringing this to attention will probably find someone purchasing it), I have my ethics.

For those who don't remember, these 2 companies are government initiatives and are therefore not regular companies. We all paid for these companies through taxes. They were built to give new citizens a chance to hone their skills while being able to buy food without interfering too much in the free market.

Now if Kim Jong Rad has a problem with Snayke then that is fine, and debate is always great, but don't bring the tax payers into this. You have a chance to legitimize your cause by opposing Snayke with maturity and dignity. But hijacking the Reserve bank and illegally selling off public companies is only going to marginalize you.

So please rescind your sale offers for the company and turn over the Reserve Bank to a third party neutral (or at least mature) player. While of course I nominate myself but I know that won't fly...let me nominate Srachit (
-former president of India
-an ally of eChina since before my eBirth
-respected by people around the world from many different countries and factions
-has always kept his word

This way, governments come and go and initiatives rise and fall, but at least our public companies would not be at the whims of a scorned party member with a bone to pick.

So, in conclusion, follow the principles of the Juche Party, not the Duche Party.