• [FLEM] Idea: New Tax Plan •

Day 568, 12:44 Published in China Canada by Flem inc
Income% / Import% / VAT%

Foo😛 3% / 20% / 3%

Gift: 1% / 1% / 1%

Weapon: 3% / 20% / 3%

Moving Ticket: 3% / 20% / 3%

Grain: 3% / 20%

Diamon😛 1% / 1%

Iron: 1% / 1%

Oil: 3% / 20%

Woo😛 1% / 1%

House: 1% / 1% / 1%

Hospital: 0% / 0% / 0%

Defensive System: 0% / 0% / 0%

I think this is what our nation should adjust our taxes to become.

3% across the board for healthy industries will help to encourage new businesses to start up and consumers to buy more goods (because the prices will be lower), while not making a big impact on the government income (which would slightly decrease, but the increase in businesses will give higher wages due to competition and thus more taxes collecting making up for the initial decrease).

20% Import tax may seem really low, but it's not. It keeps businesses in China from getting away with severely over-priced goods because it creates the threat of foreign companies coming and selling their products in our market for less.

Gift's get a 1% tax because gifts are beneficial to wellness and we want to encourage people to buy gifts.

No taxes in Land or Manufacturing are 0% because if they will sell for 0% so the government takes at least a small skim off of every transaction.

Hospitals and Defensive Systems have 0% taxes because I am for the nationalization of both industries (though DS's are useless and we don't need another hospital because we already have a Q5)

Houses are also necessary for our continued growth and we do not have enough people to successfully run a full Housing industry so we must import the. Houses are also bought/sold at Second Hand Shops and we should look into one of those to purchase our houses (of different Q) from.

What do you think?

PS. http://www.erepublik.com/en/battles/show/6692 FIGHT FOR LATVIA (and remember to heal yourself back to 100 wellness)