The New Real China

Day 568, 15:21 Published in China China by Huang Zhou

The recent events in Chinese politics have been extremely disturbing to me and I feel I can say with confidence that there has been a true shift in the ideology of the Juche Box Party. The emergence of West Korea and the radicalization of Juche politics have left me honestly betrayed. My image of Juche was of Snayke, strength, and a trusted ally of The People's Republican Party (formerly The China Party). I am horrified at the new stances and actions of Juche, especially Mr. Stalinator's proposed impeachment of a member of his own party. I now see a Snayke-less party, a divided and bickering base, and an enemy of Real China.

I have expressed the view in previous articles that Juche and the China Party were Real China and that the foreign entities that would do us harm were the enemies of the state. I have a revision to make. All rational, patriotic, peace-loving Chinese citizens should take a look at Juche policies and actions and rethink to which party they belong. I do not change my views easy but this position I am sad to take. I trusted Juche. They tried to impeach the highly popular, highly knoledgeable, and fellow Jucheman simply because he was pursuing a policy set that was displeasing to them. Instead of discussing their issues, the radicals decided to act and are now, to me at least, unpatriotic and traitorous.

I have to take a quick break to commend Snayke not just on his move to the People's Republican Party but for his truly marvelous negotiations with Latvia to win an alliance. This is the China I want: one that seeks out all possible allies before it confronts its enemies head-on. This alliance also allows Chinese citizens to fight and heal which I encourage because xp has been hard to come by lately. Help Latvia against the Finnish!

Stay strong China, don't lose your way. When the majority party in a nation like Juche undergoes such a radical shift in policy, all true citizens can do is make their voices clear. Speak up China.