Forums for everyone

Day 571, 23:34 Published in China China by Snayke

A direct message from President Snayke:

Hello again, magnificent China. I have been busy setting up the structure of our government and putting in place steps to ensure accountability takes place. A forum which everyone can access and understand is what is needed. There have been forums in the past but they have either catered to English readers or Chinese readers exclusively. Now we have something that caters to both English AND Chinese Simplified and Traditional readers. I have set up new forums which will be our new official forums. The following link will take you to our new forums.

Now of course, I am not yet finished with the forums. Images need to be replaced and more boards may possibly be required. But for now, I think this will do. Proposals going through congress can be discussed by members of congress in a special board called the National People's Congress but citizens can also partake in the General Political Discussion board.

For Chinese readers with little English skills, you may go to the user control panel and board preferences to change the language. Both Simplified and Traditional are available.

Communication is vital to the success of a nation, so I hope you will all join me.

Until we meet again, I'm President Snayke, signing off.