The question of Romania

Day 570, 02:49 Published in China China by Snayke

A direct message from President Snayke:

Hello, my beautiful China. This is President Snayke, and it’s time we had a talk.

It’s time we discussed something rather important. The issue at hand is Romania. The open war with Romania remains a constant reminder of a dark era of China, a time when foreign agents along with their cohorts dominated our nation's politics. We were used as a tool to wage war against Romania. However, those times are over, but one thing remains.

The open war with Romania is a relic of a time past, a time we would rather remove from our minds. The time that comes may be soon at hand. Through our own hard work and actions as a neutral nation, Romania has recognised our achievements and talk between the Chinese and Romanian governments about the status of the war have begun.

So far, things are looking positive for our dear nation. Peace with Romania will pit us at conflict with no one, our neutrality will be finally secured.

At last, my fellow countrymen, at last we can rejoice at our nation's freedom from the past. I suspect very soon that peace can be secured with Romania. If talks continue as they are, then we will be free.

We must all work tirelessly to rebuild this great nation, so that our children may live in better conditions than we did.

Until we meet again, this is President Snayke, signing off.


After reasoning with the Romanian government about China's stance, they have agreed to peace. They no longer see China as a tool of PEACE and recognise our neutrality in the New World. Ending this war will end the trading embargo in place and allow trade between our nations.