The Q10 with Paul Proteus (Swiss Miss... ter)

Day 1,378, 12:51 Published in USA USA by Hadrian X
The Q10 (Ten Quick Questions) – “Pee Pee” Edition
with former Lib PP and retired Emperor of Switzerland, Paul Proteus

Q1: You are a long time member of the Libertarian Party and former Party President. What, in your opinion, does the Libertarian Party stand for? If I were a newb, what would say to get me to join the party?

Paul Proteus: The Libertarian Party stands for whatever you want it to stand for, and that's the beauty of it And if were recruiting I would simply point out the glorious opportunities you'd have within the Libs as quality new players can begin working at high levels almost immediately and I would of course remind you of the great company you'd have...of me, and those other guys.

Q2: You are running for POTUS this month. Are you crazy? Prove that you’re not.

Paul Proteus: I am indeed running for POTUS this month, can I prove I'm not crazy? Maybe not but I can show you this funny picture I found on the internet

Q3: You are a former President of Switzerland. How do you feel that has helped prepare you for the position of POTUS?

Paul Proteus: Being President of even a small nation like Switzerland is a unique experience, and though I do not yet know what it is like to be a President in this fine country, I do hope that I will be able to draw on my past experience to do a better job.

Q4: Those bazooka scopes are really hard to find and it’s kind of pissing me off. If elected POTUS, what do you plan to do about it?

Paul Proteus: I plan to end the war on terrorism and the war on drugs and launch all of our bazookas at the Admin until he inserts more Scopes into the pool of bazooka parts, this plan, however, could encounter some issues as we will not have the scopes needed to launch our bazookas into this all out attack.

Q5: Quick word association… POTUS, PTHUT, Proteus

Paul Proteus: PROTEUS4, Food poisoning, Awesomesauce

Q6: Who is your personal eHero and why?

Paul Proteus: Overall I'd have to say Eleriel and so many of the other Swiss I met when I was first playing, Since I've come to the US there are so many great players, I'm not going to list any in specific, I'd undoubtedly miss someone important.

Q7: When and if you ever decide to up and leave eRep, what would you like your eEpitaph to read?

Paul Proteus: So Long and Thanks for all the Fish, So Sad it Had to Come to This

Q8: Who would win in a Lib party hot oil wrestling match between you, Claire and Iasov and why?

Paul Proteus: Claire, she's scary when she wants to be o.O Iasov would be too lazy, I'd probably run away

Q9: Would you rather be called, Paulina, Boogerface or Elmo the Cancerous and why?

Paul Proteus: God no, not Paulina, Boogerface is acceptable and Elmo the Cancerous...I dunno, it has a nice ring to it

Q10: And finally, if you could punch any eCitizen square in the face, who would it be and why?

Paul Proteus: Ehhh, it's not that I'm a pacifist but I don't know if I really want to punch anyone...I mean my fists are too good to be blemished by the likes of you people

BONUS Q: Best Paul (other than Proteus): Newman, McCartney or –y Shore and why?

Paul Proteus: Being that Salad Dressing isn't to my liking, John was the Best Beatle and I don't want to know what an -y Shore is, I'm going to have to go with Paul the Octopus, that was one cool Cephalopod

BONUS Q2: Proteus, a genus of Proteobacteria, is responsible for many human urinary tract infections. Since you named yourself Paul Proteus, are you simply a fan of urinary tract infections or were you actually named after the Proteus Syndrome, the congenital skin disorder that causes atypical bone and tumor growth (a la the Elephant Man)?

Paul Proteus: Paul Proteus is a character from the novel Player Piano, though it is entirely possible Kurt Vonnegut was a big fan of Elephant People suffering from urinary tract infections.

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~Hadrian X

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