Q10 with Ralph Ericson (Cavalry Commander)

Day 1,146, 22:28 Published in USA USA by Hadrian X
The Q10 (Ten Quick Questions) – Pantsless Edition
with General of the eUS Cavalry, Ralphy NoPants.

Q1: You are currently the General of the Cavalry. Can you explain what role the Cavalry fulfills in the eUS military and what prospective citizens can expect when applying? What specifically sets the CAV apart from other branches?

Ralphy NoPants: The Cavalry is an interesting place. It was formed from Army Group East about a month before v2 came out as a way to build more continuity between branches as a stepping stone from the sold core of the Mobile Infantry and Army into the more elite Airborne and Marine Corps and it still fulfills that mission and it also serves as a temporary home for many of the Australian Dropbears. The CAV is currently one of the more interesting branches to serve in. Anyone who joins can expect to meet a wide variety of people including Estonians, Americans and Australians, teenagers to people over 40, and people on their first run through the military to people on their second chance. It is this very diverse and vibrant community which sets the Cavalry most apart from other branches. That and the fact that we have a cannibalism plan for when the food market collapses.

Q2: Many in the general public do not know much about JCS or its members. Can you give a little background on yourself and how you got your start in the eUS Military and rose to where you are today?”

Ralphy NoPants: Well I got my start in eRep because I needed money. I got this hotel night shift job and was looking for things to do to keep me awake from 11pm to 7am and I found eRep. I two clicked for a long time until it looked like WWIII was coming and then I joined the TD where Angelini was my night shift buddy. Once I graduated TD I was accepted to the MI where I spent 8 hours until I was accepted by the Army. Spent some time in the 5th as a grunt and then got into staff work helping keep track of who was in that 300 man army while doing some drill sgt work. With the spilt into AGE and AGW I went to AGE and when both Generals retired I got put in the Deputy Executive Officer (#3) spot and have since then worked my way up. Not bad for a college student who needed something to do between chasing groups of naked drunk people out the hotel pool.

Q3: As a member of JCS, can you give your opinion on the recent MPP signed between Poland and Hungary and what kind of threat, if any, you feel it may pose to the eUS?

Ralphy NoPants: I think we are set for a new adventure but I am not sure what it is. I have been here since day 484 and it has been, with few exceptions, the same line-up over and over again. This new MPP does not seem to me to be a threat right now but it is something that is new an exciting. I look forward to seeing where this will go.

Q4: You and I have had a number of conversations about issues other than military ones. Would you ever consider a congressional or POTUS run? If so, please elaborate. If not, why not?

Ralphy NoPants: Congress yes. PotUS no. I was involved in politics when I first joined the game and I enjoyed it quite a bit. I never ran for any office but I was part of the group of Americans that got so fed up that we took the CvP and the CvvP from Ajay Bruno. When WWWIII started I put active political participation on hold but it is one thing that I would like to get back to one day. Maybe soon I will do that Congress run I always planned for. We'll just have to see.

Q5: What is your take on the current debate in congress over the possibility of raising the minimum wage (to $3 or $4) and the impact you feel it might have to both the military communes and the nation as a whole?

Ralphy NoPants: I am not so sure it is a good idea. I like the idea of getting the tax dodgers a little more but looking at the current job market I do not think it will do much but I would have liked to have seen more calculations about how it would impact prices and inflation.

Q6: Quick word association: Congress, Pants, Ralph Ericson?

Ralphy NoPants: Maybe, NO, indomitable.

Q7: If you were in a remote cabin, completely snowed in, and had to snuggle up with another JCS member for warmth to stay alive, who would you choose and why: GoalieBCSC, Bombonato or Channing?

Ralphy NoPants: Bombonato. He and I have been together since the TD and I know we could trust each other to protect our backsides from Goalie. 😉

Q8: Who is your personal eHero and why?

Ralphy NoPants: He's not around anymore but I would have to pick Chevere. He was one of the first people I connected with in the Army and got me real involved with officer stuff. If it weren't for him I wouldn't be around. He only beats out NXNW by a hair though. NxNW only loses because he never gave me that beer in Seattle.

Q9: If you absolutely, positively HAD to wear pants, say for a job interview or something, which kind would you choose and why? Jeans, khakis, slacks, dungarees, bell bottoms…?

Ralphy NoPants: I would choose slacks so I would get the job and then take them off once I was behind my desk. Hopefully they would be flannel lined to deal with these minnesotan winters. Winter is both the best and the worst time to go pantsless. Flannel lined dress pants would be the only set I would own if I owned any. Even if I had to put the flannel in myself.

Q10: And finally, if you could punch any eCitizen square in the face, who would it be and why?

Ralphy NoPants: Ethan Strickland. For some of the shenanigans he pulled when leaving the Army.

Bonus Q: Do you have any final thoughts or is there anything I neglected to cover that you would like to address?

Ralphy NoPants: America is a team. We need to work like one. We kicked ass way back when because we were all willing to work together. We're doing ok now but we will never really be as great as we were until we relearn how to work together.

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~Hadrian X


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