The Q10 with CRoy (Lib Sex Symbol)

Day 1,107, 10:19 Published in USA USA by Hadrian X
The Q10 (Ten Quick Questions) – “GQ” Edition
with resident heartthrob and POTUS candidate, CRoy

Q1: You have recently announced your intention of running for POTUS. Why do you think eUS citizens should cast their votes for you, this coming Presidential election?
A: I've always enjoyed playing eRep. I've enjoyed interacting with all of the amazing players. And lately, I've gotten a feel for how the government works. I've written two extremely long articles already trying to answer this question. Can't say much more about it without taking up this whole interview. Also, I am strongly pro-cereal.

Q2: You chose "everyone’s favorite SoE", Blank Keating, as your running mate. What do you feel Keating’s experience and knowledge add to your ticket as VP?
A: Part of my motivation for running was to rejuvenate and motivate the country again. Blank has been only Secretary of Education so far, but that position has made him one of the most knowledgable people in the game when it comes to game mechanics. He's extremely active, friendly, well liked, witty, and I'm very comfortable discussing ideas and strategy with him. Players like Blank represent the future, and I think it's time to usher in a new era. I wouldn't rather do it with anyone else at my side.

Q: There is a raging debate going on regarding the current level of taxes (most notably the income tax rate). Where do you stand on this issue? Is the rent in fact (as Joe DaSmoe and that crazy NY gubernatorial dude claim), too damn high?
A: I'm very conflicted about this issue. On the one hand, it would be great to give a little back to our players. On the other hand, the math of economics doesn't really support this. My goal as CP would be to get the Economic Council up and running again, looking at this issue more closely, and making a report for Congress. Because right now, we basically have everyone waging economic wars through articles. This is good for our media, but if we want to make any changes, we need a better structural way to push forward towards making them. The EC would go a long way towards helping with that.

Q4: What do you think the greatest challenges are facing the eUS today? And if elected POTUS, what do you plan to do about them?
A: The greatest challenge in the near term will without a doubt be the scramble for new resources around the world. This of course includes our own interests, but more importantly it means figuring out how our allies will be affected. The old "pillar" regions no longer hold the same importance as they used to. Hotspots of global war will change. Being on top of this is definitely atop the list. And I'm not going to comment about my plans on this matter if elected.

Q5: Who is your personal eHero and why?
A: Emerick. He was President during WW3, when I was a dazed and confused 2-clicker. His articles during this time were always enjoyable, and the fun I had around that time is the main reason I decided to become an active player and still play today.

Q6: What is your favorite kind of cereal?
A: Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds. It tastes as if sent from the gods. brb, getting a bowl right now.

Q7: If there was a poker game to determine the POTUS race between you, The Big Brown Bear and Cromstar, who would win and why?
A: Cromstar. Have you seen how many heads he has?

Q8: What is your favorite James Franco flick?
A: Pineapple Express, for sure. His character in that was very entertaining, and every time I watch it I end up quoting it for days. Just thinking about it now, I have "Electric Avenue" stuck in my head.

Q9: Quick word association… Pheno Sony, Cromstar, CRoy.
A: Bananas, Cromstar, Sexy

Q10: And finally, if you could punch any eCitizen square in the face, who would it be and why?
A: Easily Daniel Ender. But I'd buy him a beer afterward and we could talk about life in Bolivia. Depending on how that went I'd either invite him over to hang, or I'd drop him off at INS. Something tells me I'd end up doing the latter.

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