The Q10 with SGGHays (SoH)

Day 1,125, 22:29 Published in USA USA by Hadrian X
The Q10 (Ten Quick Questions) – Quorum Edition
with Speaker of the House SGGHays.

Q1: You are an eight time congressman and currently Speaker of the House. Can you explain to novice players what exactly eUS congress does for the nation and its role in governance? And what is your roll as SoH?
A: First off, the eUS Congress is in charge of the budget. We determine how much money should go to government programs or our military. We also work closely with the President and must approve all war declarations, MPPs, trade embargos, and welcoming messages. Congress also assists our nation by determining our country’s taxes, helps manage minimum wage, provide citizenship to the eUS, and can even issue more money!

As SoH, I help make sure congress runs smoothly. Whether that’s through keeping the forums clean, promoting activity, keeping the public informed of our activities, or even moving our discussions/proposals forward. I also get the opportunity to work closely with the White House as congress' representative for the month.

Q2: Who are your Deputy SoH’s and what are their duties and responsibilities? Why did you choose them specifically?
A: My two Deputies are S3RO and Pfeiffer (Henry Arundel). I chose these two because both provide very different benefits and perspectives. Pfeiffer has been a veteran of congress and the game, as well as being a previous SoH , whose experience is invaluable. S3RO is one of the many new and upcoming leaders in congress that I've taken note of over the past few months. I wanted to give him an opportunity to step up and help our country in the DSoH role, which he has very willingly taken and done an excellent job with. DSoH’s are responsible for assisting the SoH and helping to oversee the congressional body as a whole.

Q3: How are citizenship requests dealt with by congress to insure that the interests of the eUSA are protected?
A: Everyday people apply or PM congress members requesting citizenship to our great country. To protect ourselves, we have established the IES (Immigration Enforcement Sub-committee) that conducts background checks on all applicants before they can be approved. While this may seem straightforward, it's a complex process and we have a team of great volunteers that provide us this level of security.

Q4: A few weeks ago the eUS forums went down for an extended period of time. How did the eUS congress operate during this period and what was done to correct the problem and insure it doesn’t happen again?
A: When the forums went down, it was definitely a tough time in Congress. We were already preparing a backup website so we were able to use this on a small scale, but for the most part we used IRC to continue our work. Thankfully the new official forums came up as soon as possible. Currently congress is in discussions on the best way to insure this doesn’t happen again. Most likely we will have a backup forum that captures all our current threads and activities so we can transition smoothly.

Q5: Our current POTUS is Josh Frost. Can you evaluate the job he has done in his third (non-consecutive) term in office?
A: Wow, whats there to say. Josh has been a great friend and mentor of mine (I served in Congress under his other 2 terms) and every time it’s always an interesting/crazy month. He took over during the economic module changes and has done his best to make sure our country is in a better spot. In the next week we will have taken over new regions we needed in Mexico and made agreements with foreign countries to improve the eUS bonuses to companies. I was glad Frost came back and won this month and I think it's always a good thing for our new citizens to see and learn from some of the "old guard."

Q6: When and if you ever decide to up and leave eRep, what would you like your eEpitaph to read?
A: We'll with the recent flare up in budget talks by certain citizens, I'd prefer to not cause a firestorm and have our country pay for an eEpitaph.

Q7: Quick word association… Libs, SEES, SGGHays.
A: Revolutionaries, Emerick, Ninja

Q8: Who is your personal eHero and why?
A: I'm going to have to name 2 mentors, Cromstar and Colin Lantrip. Cromstar was the first person I met when I joined the CvP, my first political party. He helped guide me on my poltical path and gave me opportunities to step up and grow. I'm like 99% sure that Colin Lantrip was my first job manager, atleast my first long-term one. He provided me with guidance across all aspects of the game and even brought me to the Seals which I've called home for quite some time now. I've been lucky that two of my closest friends continue to play the game and are always available to provide guidance.

Q9: If you had to skydive right now, who would you most trust to pack your parachute: Pheno Sony, Emerick/Gagah or Pizza the Hut and why?
A: Pizza the Hut. If he thinks I trust him he wouldn't let me die because he doesn't want to lose his only "friend".

Q10: And finally, if you could punch any eCitizen square in the face, who would it be and why?
A: We'll I know Claire likes it rough, so why not a little foreplay?


Josh Frost
Julian Mizu
Ian John Locke IV
Rod Damon

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