The Q10 with Julian Mizu (B.S.O.C.)

Day 1,108, 15:55 Published in USA USA by Hadrian X
The Q10 (Ten Quick Questions) – “RAWR” Edition
with kick ass SEAL bossman (Big SEAL On Campus), Julian Mizu

Q: You are the commanding officer of the eUS’s preeminent paramilitary fighting force, SEAL Team 6. For those who may not know, please explain what ST6 is and what you guys (and gals) do.
A: SEAL Team 6 was founded by none other than eAmerica's battle kitteh himself stating "This is an organization with one aim, fight PEACE(insert PHOENI😵 on the very ground they have taken from our allies. We are willing to fight not only for our homeland but for those who have so bravely fought for us." RWing regions back to their rightful owners is how we began, still one of our specialties, however we now find ourselves expanded to operate whenever and wherever we are needed. IE: We kick ass and enjoy every minute of it.

Q: How did you end up becoming involved with ST6 initially?
A: Blind luck and something like compassion I suppose. Responded to a shout by Frost when he was forming the team, assuming I wouldn't qualify as I was just a young buck. He replied basically saying “what the hell” and let me in though I didn't actually meet the requirements at that time. I try and keep that same mentality when recruiting these days as well. We love having heavy hitters, but foremost we respect attitude, motivation and activity which can be seen in all strength and experience levels.

Q: There is a small amount of funding in the federal budget allocated for militias (OMS – currently 2.3% of the Nov 2010 budget). To those who believe that funding should go to the eUS military instead, what would you say to them?
A: Things that would not be appropriate for publishing in your fine newspaper. 😉 Don't take that as even the slightest disrespect for the eUS Mil, simply a frustration at the ignorance by many of our contributions and abilities. We've been around for over a year now, close to 500 members have walked through our doors. Many would not be playing the game if it wasn't for ST6, myself included. Truthfully there are so many ways it would take an entire tl;dr article for me to list them all. If anyone truly feels this way for a reason beyond self-preservation/interest, I urge you to talk with me directly. Knowing what we've accomplished and can do I personally feel we deserve far more, two sides of the coin on that one.

Q: If someone wanted to join ST6 or help the cause, what is the best way for them to do that?
A: Relating to the question above, we are entirely self-funded beyond the relatively small budget we receive from the government. Yet we're larger than several branches of the eUS mil, meaning only that we have a lot of mouths to feed and SEALs to supply on our own. We operate a commune/self-sufficiency program operated by members to offset as much of our costs as we can, but we still rely heavily on private donations. Things like the current RM costs skyrocketing and migrations really hurt us and we do need all the help we can get to remain as active as we want to be.

Any help is greatly appreciated and can be sent to SEAL Team 6 Donations

Anyone interested in joining should PM me directly with any questions or fill out our APPLICATION.

Q: With a plethora of POTUS candidates seemingly running this month, who do you think would make the best POTUS and why?
A: Obviously there is only one proper answer and needs no explanation
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Needs Moar Kittehs!!!

Q: Who is your personal eHero and why?
A: Tough call, I don't do favorites. So many people have helped me along the way I would prefer to say I owe thanks to Speedcat “slacker” McNasty, Colin “damn dirty ape” Lantrip, Clemens65, and Frosty the most. While many prominent eUS figures have earned my respect such as Ligtreb who comes to mind immediately as balanced and consistent, along with newer blood so to speak like SGGHays, current Speaker of the House, DoE director Blank “Father” Keating and dammit, I wasn't going to do this. I try and spread my love evenly and generously because there is plenty to give.

Q: What is your favorite Seal song and why?
A: Since I honestly can't say I have Seal in my playlist, I chose to defer the question to our former CO Speedcat McNasty who replied with “Kiss From a Rose.” Describing it as cold, dark and seals voice as sultry and kinda dreamy. Note: those may or may not have been his exact words.

Q: Would you ever consider adopting “Lou Seal” (mascot of the San Francisco Giants) as the spokesperson for ST6?
A: While we are known to be avid players of baseball, less lately which needs to be changed, it's of a different variety involving the appreciation of the female anatomy. Favorite game was held spur of the moment in PHOENIX.Public, I have no doubt we garnered much respect that day. To answer the question, we'd be willing to consider a look at anyone representing our high standard, ass-beating ethics of MOAR RAWR.

Q: Quick word association… Militia, McNasty, Mizu. (one word per, please)
A: proveit, Slackercat, RAWR.

Q: And finally, if you could punch any eCitizen square in the face, who would it be and why?
A: Hmmm, I'll let the natural course of personal humiliation, irrelevancy and failure handle that.

CRoy Athanaric Ian John Locke IV Rod Damon
More coming soon…

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