Q10 with Claire Littleton (First Lady of the Libs)

Day 1,127, 03:14 Published in USA USA by Hadrian X
The Q10 (Ten Quick Questions) – Smexy Edition
with Libertarian Legend Claire Littleton.

Q1: You are a prominent figure in eUS politics whose resume includes eleven terms in the eUS congress, assignments as White House Press Director, FEC Deputy Director, Speaker of the House and Libertarian Party President. What is your view of the current state of eUS politics today?

Claire: I feel the state of politics is more or less how it always has been. In terms of Presidential Politics it's always unpredictable month to month, but it is guaranteed that no matter who wins at least 50% of the cabinet will be the same people in previous PotUS' cabinets. It's not necessarily a bad thing because those are the experts, but it's nice to see new blood in the cabinet too. That's about all I can say for PotUS.

As for Party Politics.... those too are basically the same. It goes in waves. You will get the Top 5 working together for 2 months, then you will have 3 months of party conflict... then a war breaks out and we need to work together again. It's all really pretty accurate to RL. Right now, party rivalry is at an all time high. With my party, the LIBS coming back and swiftly jumping to the #2 spot, we're currently the threat to all the parties we passed and the USWP who has seen better days. Thing is... in 3 months, chances are we'll all be friends again.

Q2: As one of the leaders and the face of the rejuvenated Libertarian party, can you explain – for more novice players - what the Libertarian Party is and what you stand for?

Claire: The Libertarians are basically what we have been forever. Our ideals are equality for all citizens, low taxes when applicable and a free and open market. We generally support war too, but who doesn't in this game? The difference between the new Libs and the old Libs is that we're very much more outspoken. The Libs were always known for their quiet demeanor and strong party-line voting. Now we're not so quiet and we tend to like to shake things up a bit. It keeps the member base active and recruitment of young players high. What I love about our party is that we have the most young levels out of all the parties. We can shape them into the next great thing if we do it right.

Q3: What would you tell readers who are not in any political party (or those unsatisfied with their current party), why they should join the Libertarian Party?

Claire: I'd tell them to join our party because most of our players are at their level. They will likely rise up in the ranks with people at the same time and form a camaraderie that could overpower the old players in the game. We're the party to get their start in as we have the numbers and power to get them elected into Congress and that's a stepping stone to greater things. We're also very chummy and have some fun in the IRC and in-game.

Q4: There was recently a poll on the eUS forums that asked readers to vote for their choice for who they would like to see run for POTUS. You were second, behind only seventeen time, legendary eUS citizen Ligtreb, beating out eighteen other prominent politicos, including current POTUS Josh Frost and a number of former CP’s such as PigInZen, Emerick, GLaDOS and St. Krems. You also placed second, in what was really a blocking role in November, running against Alexander Hamilton. Would you ever consider a serious run at the CP role in the future?

Claire: Well, the blocking role in November was a mistake. I couldn't take myself off the ballot. I only got 14% that month. The month before that I did pull a very late run at CP against Colin though and came in second there. I was proud of that mainly because I only campaigned for 3 days prior to the election. Would I consider a serious run in the future? Short answer, yes.

Q5: Our current POTUS is Josh Frost. With about half of his third (non-consecutive) term over, can you evaluate the job he has done thus far and what you think he should do with the remainder of his term?

Claire: Ohhhh Frostytits. Um, I can't say he did a bad job. He got us into Mexico successfully which was awesome. I have to say that the one thing he did well was get the people involved and interested again. Yes, it was through the Revolucion role play, but hey... that was fun and it worked brilliantly. Statistics show that retention is up, new players in the eUS are up and activity in voting is up. All by nearly 50%. If you ask me, he's done more in those areas than any other PotUS in a long... long time. For the rest of his term, I'd suggest that he secures the Mexican War further so that it doesn't backfire in our faces once he's out of office.

Q6: If and when you ever decide to up and leave eRep for good, what would you like your eEpitaph to read?

Claire: “Here lies one of the most controversial eUS personalities of all time. Either loved or hated, she always provided for interesting times. A real eMerikan hero bitch.”

Q7: Who would win in a hot oil wresting contest between Kate Austen, Sun Kwon or Claire Littleton and why?

Claire: Obviously I would win. I mean... did you see how batcrap crazy I was when I was left behind on the Island? When my bahhhbay was stolen?! I had a damned animal carcass in a bassinet made of sticks. I put an ax into a guy's chest because he looked at me funny. Come on, what do you think?

I had a damned animal carcass in a bassinet made of sticks that I pretended was my bahhhby.......

Q8: Who is your personal eHero and why?

Claire: eHero.... I hate to be so lame and list who everyone would list, but Ligtreb. He is me, only quiet about his behind-the-scenes deals. By doing this, he is the most well liked person in the game. Mark my words, he has his hands in some dirty dealings, but does he ever leave a trace of evidence or a trail that leads back to him? No! Thing is though, I find that boring. I like being polarizing. Haha, really though, he's an ethical guy which is hard to find in this game. He treats everyone fairly until they prove him otherwise. If only 1/50th of our leaders were like that. Including me.

Q9: If you were a character on GLEE, who would you be and why?

Claire: Lmao. Brittney, obviously. She has the best lines, for instance, 'Everyone thought I went on vacation this summer, but really for 3 weeks I was lost in the sewers.' Also, that girl can dance... hard. I wish I still believed in Santa Claus at 17 too. I envy her sheltered existence.

And on a side note, who is the hottest guy on the show?
Claire: That would be Mr. Schuester. God, his body is to die for and his voice is amazing. Also, a great rapper. Other than him, all the guys in that show are sexy in their own way. Even the kid with the jew-fro.

Q10: And finally, if you could punch any eCitizen square in the face, who would it be and why?

Claire: Bill Brasky. I would punch Bill Brasky square in the face. Why? Because then I could say that I punched the great Bill Brasky in the face.... the man who once saved an entire village from a flesh eating virus just by farting and killing it. The man who shot his own mother in the face because she ate the last pickled egg. I love him, but to say I hit him... I'd be a legend. (Sorry to those of you who don't know Bill Brasky. He's a real American Legend.)

Bill Brasky is dead...
Claire: Bill Braksy is immortal. He lives on in all of us.

Additional questions were asked after a controversy regarding the FEC and the upcoming congressional elections erupted on the eUS forums last night: READ HERE

Q: There was recently some controversy regarding the FEC Congressional Election Worksheet and some parties unwillingness to complete it. Can you explain what transpired and where it currently stands?

Claire: Oh lawwdy. Ok. Apparently the Federalists are boycotting the FEC this month because they claim the Libertarians sniped in voters last month in the last minute to gain more seats. What really happened was Emerick sniped in Libertarians at the last moment as a ploy to make the other parties mad at the Libertarians. Apparently it worked. We have told people for the past month that Emerick did this (and he admitted he did it) and even Melissa Rose agreed he did... yet now the Feds are bringing this up when it's most convenient for them. They are stating that because they feel I sniped in Libertarian candidates, I shouldn't run the FEC this month and therefore they are boycotting the FEC sheet.

If you ask me, this is a last minute excuse to cover up the fact that they along with the USWP and the UIP planned to work against the Libertarians and defeat them in Congress this month. The truth is, yeah... it's legal, they can do that. They could have just listed their candidates on the FEC sheet out of order and succeeded all the same all while letting the FEC investigate their candidates for potential threats. Did they do this? No... they keep pulling excused. Well, in the long run, they divided the nation and forced President Frost to come in and threaten Martial Law where he will run all military candidates in this election to ensure no threats slip in.

Q: As it stands now, there are only a few days left before candidates have to be signed-up and locked in by PP’s. What is your plan as FEC Deputy Director in this situation if things continue down the same road and no agreement can be reached between the parties? What is your plan as Libertarian Election Director?

Claire: Honestly, if the other parties don't cooperate, Frost is going to enact Martial Law. What can I do? I will comply and as Libertarian Political Director my job will be over because our candidates are trumped by the military. I will just ensure that all our seats are filled so that no PTO happens to slip through and let Frost take the reigns.


Josh Frost
Julian Mizu
Ian John Locke IV
Rod Damon

Vote + Sub! Claire demands it!