The Q10 with Fionia (Fedora Edition)

Day 1,476, 16:30 Published in USA USA by Hadrian X
The Q10 (Ten Quick Questions) – “Kiwi Queen” Edition
with resident USWP guardian and former USWP PP Fionia

Q1: You are a long time member of the USWP and former two-time Party President. What, in your opinion, does the USWP stand for? If I were a newb, what would say to get me to join the party?

Fionia: If I could sum up the USWP in one word, it would be efficiency. Or winning. Efficiently winning elections. If you want to hang around and talk, we do that too, but we also have a strong focus on the actual purpose that parties have in the game: elections.

Q2: What, in your opinion, could the USWP do better as, as a party and what is being done currently to make those changes?

Fionia: The one problem the USWP has had for a long, long time is the mid-level jobs. Something in between newbie jobs and EB positions. It's a well-known problem, one that has been worked on quite a bit, and somehow never quite works.

Q3: You currently sit on the USWP “Executive Board” (Emeritus) and there has been a substantial amount of mystery regarding the leadership body of the party. Can you please explain what the “EB” is and what they actually do?

Fionia: The EB is the leadership group. There is the PP, the CoS, the Legal Director (oversees the Constitution and makes sure it's followed), and the Department Heads. The Department Heads oversee the main functions of the party: communication, recruitment and retention, and Congressional elections. Each Department head generally has a deputy, as well. The EBE is the fancy name for retired EB members (but not deputies). They are not required to do any work, but generally chip in from time to time, as well as give advice. They also have no power other than the influence of their words.

Q4: As a USWP insider, can you please shed any details on what happened regarding the Stanley Ibcus Party Presidency and fall out?

Fionia: Stanley was and is an attention whore and a liar. He sabotaged our Congressional elections that month, but as for why, there's really no reason other than what I just said. All other explanations were based on what he said, and there's no reason to believe him. If other parties have decided to trust him, then that's their problem. They know what he'll do if he ends up in a leadership position. Stanley may try to claim that it was all about Pfeiffer, but in reality he went and hurt every hardworking member of the party, including those who trusted him the most. And there's nothing to stop him from doing it again, except for other parties being just a little bit smarter.

Q5: When will you run again for POTUS or USWP PP?

Fionia: POTUS, probably never. But I'll be running for PoNZ in January. Unless, of course, somebody majorly fucks up the USWP. In which case, I'll be back in an instant.

Q6: Q6: Quick word association… Kiwi, Queen, Fionia.

Fionia: Fruit, Me, Awesome

Q7: Who is your personal eHero and why?

Fionia: For a long time, it was ligtreb. For someone to be so convincingly friendly in politics in this game was always impressive. Since I quit and came back, I haven't really had one. I have a lot of close friends, a lot of people I respect, but there are no real heroes. This game has gone too far downhill for that now.

Q8: When and if you ever decide to up and leave eRep, what would you like your eEpitaph to read?

Fionia: I left as I playe😛 On my own terms.

Q9: Who would win in an old timer USWP pie eating contest between you, Cerb and the Douche and why?

Fionia: Well, Cerb has the advantage of 2 extra heads, so I think he'd be a pretty clear winner.

Q10: And finally, if you could punch any eCitizen square in the face, who would it be and why?

Fionia: Pfeiffer. No explanation needed, really. Although, Stanley is coming in a close second now that he's decided to try and be relevant again.

BONUS Q: Do you have any final thoughts or is there anything I neglected to cover that you would like to address?

Fionia: Yes. You need to run for POTUS, or run for PP again. No more excuses.

BONUS Q2: Fionia Bank in Denmark went bankrupt up in ’09 losing 1.2 billion “kroner” (that’s a lot of kroner, whatever that is). How many kroner do you have and if they’re valuable, can I have some?

Fionia: Well, apparently I have none. 1.2 billion, damn, how'd I manage to misplace that?

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~Hadrian X

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