Fed Congress, PP Inteviews, Federalism II

Day 694, 03:46 Published in USA USA by citizenslave
Federalist Party Congressional Endorsement Applications
Federalist Party Presidential Candidate Interviews
Federalism at the Party Level
Business Strategy: Stockpiling, Newbie Hubs
Federalist Party Grab Bags
Custom Avatar Contractor
Also in the News
Federalist Party Literature

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Federalist Party Congressional Endorsement Applications

The Federalist Party is working with the top 5 parties to secure endorsements to run candidates in the same states it currently has congressmen, Texas, West Virginia, Idaho, Oklahoma, and Wyoming. The party is also considering running congressional candidates in one or two additional as yet undetermined states. Some of the Federalist Congressmen will be running for reelection, some Federalist Party candidates will be new on the national scene, though none of them will be new faces to the Federalist Party. While some of the Federalist's active and intelligent players have already begun applying on the Federalist Party forums, the applications are still open. The Federalist Congressional Committee will review all applicants and select candidates in consultation with Federalist Outreach Program District Representatives by the 20th of October.

Any eUS citizen wishing to run for congress with Federalist Party support MUST sign up on the Federalist Party Forum thread. The party will also need blocking candidates to assist other allied parties. If any eUS citizen would like the Federalist Party's recommendation as a blocking candidate, they should sign up on this forum thread.

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Federalist Party Presidential Candidate Interviews

Following the Federalist Party Presidential Primary, Federalist Party Political Director CrashNBurn announced the results on the forums. Federalist Party PR Director eliwood_sain also conducted interviews with the two winning candidates, CrashNBurn and citizenslave. All Federalist Party members should be sure to vote for one of these two candidates on the 15th!

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Federalism at the Party Level

The Role of a President
Federalist Business Conglomerate
Federalist Outreach Program
Federalist Congressional Districts
Federalist Newbie Hubs

This article is part two of a two-part series on how I believe a party should be run. I intend to work with the current leadership of the Federalist Party and the leadership of the other parties to implement this vision should I be elected Party President on the 15th.

The Role of a President

Federalism has a profound meaning to the Federalist Party as it considers its role and the roles of other parties on the national scene. Federalism also has a profound meaning with respect to the party's internal structure. The most important aspect of this is restraint on the part of the Party President. Under the game mechanics, the Party President is the elected head of the in game party and has sole discretion over the purchase of advertising using party funds, the selection of congressional candidates, the endorsement of Country Presidential Candidates, and control over the Party Name and other profile information for the party. It is within the constraints of the game mechanics for the Party President to use these powers to suit their whims at any time whether their intentions are to help the party or to destroy it.

The way the Federalist Party implements Federalism and maintains stability under these game mechanics is by establishing processes for these Party Presidential functions.

Though the Federalist Party is not yet a top 5 party and so does not have direct control over its congressional candidates, the Party Presidential function of determining Congressional Candidates from amongst those that apply is carried out by a Congressional Committee consisting of party leadership as well as the mid level managers of the Federalist Party's outreach organization. By delegating these responsibilities to the lower echelons of the party membership, the Federalist Party is able to increase their participation and satisfaction with the game and the party while still maintaining the high standards our members and the nation have come to expect from our congressional representation.

There is also an established process for determining the country presidential endorsement each month. Rather than the Party President selecting whomever they wish based on their desires or the perceived expectations of the party, the Federalist Party has established a long running Country President Primary. This primary takes place on the Federalist Party Forums and includes candidates from all parties. The Primary typically remains open from the end of congressional elections until the beginning of the next month and is promoted heavily by the party communications infrastructure. The Party President accepts the recommendation of the primary and endorses the chosen candidate.

The recent addition of the Advertising Module has provided the PP with access to the in game party's Gold accounts. The Party President is able to purchase advertising at their discretion using these funds. Rather than accept the Party President using these funds without accountability and without consulting other party leaders, the Federalist Party has an entire department focused on the task of designing and conducting effective advertising campaigns and the Party President does not use Party Gold to run advertisments without their input.

The way the Federalist Party protects its institutions from the whims of an uncaring PP election is through the establishment of a Party Presidential Primary. By subordinating the most powerful office within the party to a process, the Party can ensure that whatever disagreements candidates may have over issues or the direction of the party, the process established and carried out by the Federalist Party Political Department will protect the institutions of the party and prevent a member unfamiliar with its traditions from becoming Party President and putting the foundations of the party at risk.

In addition to protecting the party should its president prove unreliable, this 'Federal' system of devolving power away from the Party President also makes other party leaders more responsible and more accountable for the actions of the party. This increases participation and stability as more party members get a chance to run the party without needing to replace the Party President to do so.

Federalist Party Departments

The clearest way that the Federalist Party devolves power away from the Party President is in the arrangement, mandate, and management of the Federalist Party Departments. The Federalist Party has a total of seven departments responsible for different aspects of the party's operations. While some parties may be focused more narrowly on winning elections, the Federalist Party attempts to work with its members to improve the full scope of their gameplay experience.

Federalist Business Department - The Federalist Business Department runs the party's businesses and manages the party accounts. Through strategic investments in party member-owned companies, the Federalist Party Business Director is responsible for the operation of a full business empire maintaining Federalist access to Moving Tickets, Weapons, Food, Gifts and Housing, in addition to the Raw Materials necessary to make these items at affordable prices regardless of market conditions. Conversely, the Federalist Party Business Manager is also responsible for ensuring that Party Members are gainfully and stably employed at party affiliated businesses if desired.

Federalist Political Department - The Federalist Political Department oversees the Federalist Party's relations with the other parties in the eUS, other parties internationally, and the national government. The Political Department is also responsible for operating all of the Federalist Party Primaries, supervising Congressional election strategy, and coordinating the actions of the Federalist Congressional Caucus. The Federalist Political Director manages all of these activities with the assistance of a dedicated staff of assistants and interparty ambassadors.

Federalist Mind Control Department, currently under experimental testing.

Federalist PR Department - The Federalist PR Department and its staff of editors are responsible for generating and proofreading the written materials of the Federalist Party. Federalist Party members are all welcomed to post their articles to the PR section of the Federalist Party Forums and a PR Director will assist with newspaper code markups, editing, and fact checking.

Federalist Media and Marketing - This department generates the party's ad campaigns, graphics, fundraisers, and technical projects.

Federalist Military Department - This department operates the Federalist Training Division and coordinates the party and its members with the military to ensure party members know how to fight, how to enlist, and what other options are available to players not accepted for military service.

Federalist Department of Fun - This new addition to the Federalist Party is a department responsible for organizing off-site activities. Whether it's a pictionary tournament on OMGPop, a game of Risk, or some XBox Live, the Department of Fun is what makes the Federalist Party and the eUS a community.

Federalist Outreach Program - This department is responsible for working directly with the party's members and is structured to demonstrate a special example of Federalism in action at the party level.

The common thread in all of these departments is that they are interdependent, but separate. Department Directors have full control over their own departments and staff, but without the other departments of the party, they would serve no purpose.

Federalist Business Conglomerate

The Federalist Businesses are an example of Federalism in action. Through their affiliation with the Federalist Party, the businesses in the Federalist orbit are privileged to work with some of the most active players in the eUS. The Federalist Party works closely with its members to ensure that they are able to maintain high wellness, and encourages them to work for Federalist Party member-owned business. Likewise, Federalst Party member owned businesses pay well, offer stable employment, and allow employees to work with the comfort of knowing they work for a patriotic company with sound long term business strategies.

Work with experienced and super srs bsns Fed Party Assistant Business Managers.

By coordinating with the Federalist Party Business Department, Federalist affiliated businesses are not owned by the party, but by its members. Through the influence and connections of the Business Department, many young Federalists who would otherwise be unable to afford their own businesses are introduced to investors, offered Gold for advance purchases, provided business management mentor services, as well as publicity within the party to locate quality workers and Federalist Volunteers to work at minimum wage in new companies and newbie hubs. The Federalist Business Department also coordinates Gold investments in party affiliated companies to ensure adequate stockpiles are available of any needed finished goods without focusing too many resources in any one area party wide.

The Federalist Businesses are diversified over many of its members, increasing their involvement and providing an investment vehicle for their G. By focusing G on stockpiling all types of goods rather than selling on the market or founding more companies, the Federalist Party does not contribute to the rapidly decreasing prices of these goods. The built up stockpiles will instead serve to even out the prices in the future should a shortage begin to drive prices back up.

Federalist Newbie Hubs

In addition to assisting Federalist Businesses with investing for stockpiling purposes, once sufficient stockpiles are accumulated or if funding stockpiles is not a priority, the Federalist Party offers Federalist Volunteers to work at Federalist Companies for discounted wages. While one or two Federalist Volunteers work cheap, the rest of the company is filled with skill 0 employees, which the Federalist Volunteers are then responsible for mentoring to health and wisdom. Unlike the government owned newbie hubs employing 100s of newbies at great cost and inefficiency to the eUS taxpayer, Federalist Newbie Hubs rely on one or two dedicated Federalist Volunteers and operate at a profit thanks to their contributions. Federalist Volunteers are also responsible for mentoring the new players in Federalist Newbie Hubs rather than ignoring them as one of 100 in a government run company.

Federalist Outreach Program

The Federalist Outreach Program is the penultimate example of Federalism in action at the party level. The Federalist Outreach Program has a few specific taskings, but its subdivided districts and precincts are not given specific direction for accomplishing those taskings, only incentives for achieving them. The Federalist Outreach Program's districts are also responsible for their own congressional representation. District Representatives represent their districts on the Congressional Committee to assist in the selection of Federalist candidates, and then select a single candidate based on the desires and population of their district. It is then their responsibility to get their candidate into congress using the resources of the party.

The Federalist Outreach Program District Representative's activity, drive, and political acumen will determine whether or not their candidate is victorious. The Party has surrendered some element of control over its election strategy to its mid-level members, but in doing so it is gaining their participation and driving their activity. By giving District Representatives the leeway to work with their Precinct Captains as they see fit to accomplish their own goals, different election strategies and different political inclinations will reveal the many paths to victory.

This path will probably work.

Federalist Congressional Districts

By making congressmen accountable directly to a district within the Federalist Party rather than to the party as a whole, Federalist Congressmen hold a greater responsibility to inform their constituent district of their activities in congress and to consult with them prior to taking action. The increased contact between the district and the congressman also allows the district members interested in congress to work closely with a specific congressman to learn what's involved in representing the Federalist Party as a legislator.

In addition to strengthening the bond between a congressman and the voters that elect him, assigning districts within the party to a specific campaign allows the district representative to take responsibility for running an election and to take credit for the result. This is another example of surrendering the PP's prerogatives, but in exchange for allowing other players to actually play the game.

Maybe a little less empowerment...


The key to Federalism at the Party Level and Federalism at the National Level is Empowerment. There are 20000 citizens in the eUS and most of them are not active because there is nothing for them to do. The Federalist Party believes that the way to boost activity in the eUS is for the eUS government to work with the political parties to empower them to accomplish tasks that the government does not need to do and that the parties can do, and perhaps find new ways of doing...better. Furthermore, a party cannot be run by the upper echelons of its leaders insulated in a clique from their party's members. A party must empower its members from department heads to precinct captains to make decisions affecting the fate of the party. By empowering eUS citizens and party members, players can take ownership of their actions in the game, and actually PLAY it, bringing their activity and their Gold to bear to the benefit of us all.

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Business Strategy: Stockpiling, Newbie Hubs

Following the end of the war, the appreciation of the USD, and the return of eUS refugees, the prices of goods on the eUS market place remain low as demand has failed to pick up following a week of only intermittent training wars. As many business owners begin to wonder about the future of their companies, others are investing Gold in their companies and continuing to pay workers to stockpile products before closing down. Some companies are shutting down and selling, others are pouring Gold into wages and raw materials while both are cheap in the hopes of a rebound some time in the future.

Stockpiles of Q1 food...or tires...culinary experts hold conflicting opinions!

Fed Newbie Hubs, a job and a helping hand!

Newbie Hubs
An alternative strategy to stockpiling is to replace most of a company's workers with skill 0, minimum wage employees who will cost very little each day in wages and next to nothing each day in Raw Materials. With this staffing model, one or two employees with reasonable skill levels can volunteer to work at the company and so maintain some level of production and profitability. The company will also provide a captive audience for mentoring new eUS residents.

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Federalist Party Grab Bags

Grab Bags in the Federalist Party Fundraiser are selling quickly thanks to donated advertisements from Federalist Party members and promotions by other contest participants. Encouraging the sale of the remaining bags will accelerate the end of the contest and the announcement of the prizes. Bags are 25usd, all bags contain fantastic prizes, and the grand prize bag contains a Q2 house! Less than 40 bags remain. For more contest details, a list of prizes, and the exact number of remaining bags, please subscribe to the newspaper and the comments for the Federalist M&M Update article introducing the contest.

Win cool prizes, like this!
Invisible bike not actual prize...

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Custom Avatar Contractor

New eUS Citizen, Federalist Party Member, and Western District Precinct Captain, nerdears has opened a service to the public providing customized avatars through various graphic artists under contract. For more information about this service provided by this dedicated Federalist Party member, please see the newspaper article on this subject in The Nerdy News.

Other options are available besides overlays as shown in these examples. Please view the article for more details.

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Also in the News
Federalist Party Newsletter, d. 693 - Federalist Party
Trap Companies - Chris Wilson
Why not retake WA and AK? - Jack Flufferton
Convo with Josh Frost - Julian Mizu
Sol War Games - Desertfalcon
eSweden vs. eUK - Desertfalcon
eRep in Maps: 12 Oct - Mainegreen
eRep in Maps: 13 Oct - Mainegreen
NAU Returns - eUS DoE

Follow DoD Orders!

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Federalist Party Literature
Zombie Endorsement - Captain Panther
Federalist Party Presidential Primary Process, Explained - CrashNBurn
Federalist Outreach Program Precinct Captains - citizenslave
Running for Congress from Outside Top 5 - citizenslave