Interview with Fed PP candidate: citizenslave

Day 688, 15:55 Published in USA USA by eliwood_sain

I recently did a mini-interview with the Fed VP and FOP Chair citizenslave. The questions, along with the answers, follow.

1. Introduce yourself in a paragraph:
I joined the game in mid-June and have been either interested in or a member of the Federalist Party the entire time. I'm a huge fan of the Federalists because we're one of the most active, dedicated, and selfless group of players I've seen. With the party's help, I've taken responsibility for more than 5 businesses, joined the eUS Economic Council, become an international ambassador, and had the privilege of leading the Federalist Outreach Program for the last 2 months. My avatar is usually my crazy dog, Dea. I like long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners.

2. Tell of your political experience:
I have been the FOP Director in the Federalist Party for the last 2 months. Next to the Political Director, I'd say this is the most 'political' job in the party as it requires organizing the party internally and mobilizing us for elections, media promotion, and other party activities. Without the political acumen to know when you're pushing people too hard or asking them to do something they don't want to do, its a position that has the potential to fracture the party. That I've managed to prevent that I suppose means that I'm somewhat politically inclined...

I also helped run the Federalist Party's congressional elections from my position as FOP Director and then Fed VP. The same political talents for knowing when to fight and when to fold served the party and me pretty well, I'd say.

3. Why did you accept the nomination for PP?
I was nominated last month, but due to the state of the FOP at the time and the high regard I hold for Captain Panther, I ended up withdrawing my candidacy. Since that time, the FOP has flourished into one of the most active departments of the party and I think they're ready for someone else to take the lead. I've also been helping a lot with running the party over the last few weeks while Captain Panther's been busy with 'Real Life', so I figured I'd take a shot at making it all official.

4. Why do you believe you would make a good PP?
I'm going to respect this party. I don't mean to imply at all that any other candidate wouldn't, but the Federalist Party, I think, is unique in how we empower our members. Following the reforms that Fingerguns began over her term as PP, and those that Captain Panther maintained and built on, we have a number of departments in the party that are responsible for all of its key functions. As PP, I don't think, by any stretch, that I will be "running" the Federalist Party. I know that I'll be an important leader and will hold final responsibility for the actions of the Department Directors and the party itself, but we're Federalists. We run ourselves. I will continue to respect that tradition and we will continue to shine because of it.

5. What would be your biggest effort during your month as PP if you are elected?
My biggest effort will be to continue to fight for the top 5 spot that we long ago earned. There will be a big focus on mentoring and the Federalist Training Division, as those are some of the best ways to attract inquisitive and active new citizens to the party. I'm also going to put a lot of focus on showing some of the smaller parties of the eUS just how much they'd have to gain by merging with a strong, active party like the Feds. I know that our structure is uniquely suited to accept a broad range of differing views, and can easily handle a wide diversity of players and opinions. I hope that when other parties see this they realize that they can bring their party into ours and neither their independence nor their voices will be lost in the milieu.

I also want to put a lot of effort into turning our representation in congress into part of a cohesive force for activity, patriotism, game mechanics and social strategy. I want our congressmen to set the bar for all four. I also want the party as a whole to work with our congressmen and the congressmen of other parties to form a unified front for achieving our common goals.

Finally, I want our players to have fun. Lots of it. This is "only" a game, after all. If it isn't fun, activity will drop and people will quit. I want the Federalist Party to show the other parties and citizens of the eUS that we don't have to conquer other countries or bicker over petty partisan nonsense to enjoy this game. Our sense of community and the activities that we host should make up for the 'lulls' on the national and international scene with lots of 'lulz'.