Interview with Fed PP candidate: CrashNBurn

Day 691, 17:09 Published in USA USA by eliwood_sain

I have recently done a mini-interview with Fed Political Director CrashNBurn. The questions, along with the answers, are listed before.

1. Introduce yourself in a paragraph:
Hi, my name is CrashNBurn and I am not an alcoholic. I am however a Federalist.

2. Tell of your political experience
Congressman x 2 - Infrastructure committee member
PC many times and still am
Original DR for Hero Squad - before me it was the New Jersey District
Political Director - I have overseen the last two elections as political director, but I have always been involved in helping feds run for congress since I joined.

3. Why did you accept the nomination for PP?
I accepted the nomination because, well I thought I would be a good choice and it was nice to see that a few other agreed. Note, my support has been few in the primary polls, but I am grateful. I also like the fact that we do have two quality candidates running. The Fed Party wins either way in my opinion and thats the way I think PP elections should be. A choice between two great candidates for a great party.

4. Why do you believe you would make a good PP?
A few reasons. I think it would be great to be Top 5, I would continue to still encourage and promote recruiting. But I think if we boosted some programs it would also help.

One of the reasons I first joined was because of the Better Business Burea and Habitat for Humanities
These are two programs I feel that have been left to the wayside.

My vision for the BBB is to get a council of 3-5 Fed Business men. They would either write or find articles in eRep that promoted better business management. They would take time to do a monthly lecture on eRep on some aspect of business. Gold donated by the many business men can be donated to the BBB, so they can make 10G loans to other Feds wanting and committed to running effective businesses. The BBB would act as advisors until the fed payed back the 10G and could stand on their own feet. And even when not sitting as advisors they would be a pool of knowledge. Eventually I would like to add some non-Feds to the council expanding it to more like 7 people, with on sitting as director. Its just another way to show the quality that we are as Feds, and improve the eUS.

Habitat for Humanities was great program, but I feel relied too much on one or two people. It is closed now. But whether elected or not, later this month once I sell a company off, I plan on starting Federalist Charities. I haven't really shared this idea with many people, but its something I think we could use. I will be donating some gifts and food to it to be used to just give to new feds in need, feds who went inactive for a while, and eventually any eAmerican in need. I plan on sharing access with some other feds in order to make sure people can get the gifts and food they need instead of relying on my being on all the time. Anyway, it will be based on those who want to donate to it, not Fed funds.

5. What would be your biggest effort during your month as PP if you are elected?
Doing what a PP does. Work with other parties, help get the Fed name out there. But mainly let people do their jobs. Try to stay out of the way and get involved only when needed. I think past PP;s and leadership have set a good example of that and I want to keep it going. We have alot of great people that honestly don't need babysitting. So my job will be head Interparty Ambassador for the most part as PP.