Day 93: Sweden Attacks England

Day 693, 18:38 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

Today the Swedes took advantage of their open war with the U.K. and used it to attack the British held region of Midjtylland. Midjtylland started off under Danish control, however England gained control over the region after a land swap with Hungary. This is the first time Sweden has taken the offensive in this war as the only other two battles were started by the U.K. and meant to block Sweden back when Russia was still a threat to Scandinavia. After about three hours Sweden holds a slight lead thanks to some early tanking by St00r. It is quite likely that we will see a tug of war between Sweden and the U.K. over this region in the coming days since whoever doesn't own this region will be able to attack the region without activating the others MPPs. Despite the likely battles in this region Midjtylland (or midget land as I like to call it) isn't too important of a region, it doesn't hold any high resources and it isn't a population center. The only real significance the region has is that if Sweden were to take it the U.K. wouldn't border any of the original Swedish regions.

Resistance wars continue to pop up in Asia however neither of these battles appear to be endorsed by F/E and neither seem to have much a chance. One of the resistance wars in the Kangwon region of Russia, was actually started by the Russian president and the wall is over 500k above the secure line. There hasn't been much activity in resistance wars since the F/E attempt to liberate Pyongan and bring back North Korea, Iran was able to pull out a close victory in the battle.

That's it for the war news today. I would also like to remind everyone to remain vigilant when clicking on links to newspapers and advertisements. A safe strategy for advertisements is to NEVER click on the link if you don't where the add leads, if you do know where it goes try to navigate to the page yourself to avoid a trick link, we had some problems with these last month when PEACE ran adds that would make you resign from congress if you clicked them.