Federalist Party President Nominations and Primary

Day 686, 14:43 Published in USA USA by Crash and Burn Industries

Every month in eRep each political party goes through the process of seeking the best and brightest among their group to lead them. To help facilitate this, the Federalist Party has developed a process for nominating those they want to lead and followed with a process of elimination down to two candidates.

After CP elections, the Federalist Political Director (me) creates a new topic requesting the nominations of any Federalist in the party. Fellow Federalists suggest and nominate those they think would do a great job serving as Party President. When the person nominated chooses to accept the nomination and run for Party President they are added to a Poll. If they do not want to, or do not have the time this month to be Party President they politely decline and life goes on.

Once two or more names are nominated the poll is open for party members to vote on. Now, more names can be nominated and added. To facilitate this process members are able to change their votes until the last day, which is the 10th.

On the 11th, the top two candidates from the poll are the official candidates to run. This gives them a few days to write articles, defend their positions, come up with platforms, schmooze leaders, kiss babies and bribe everyone they can.

Then someone wins, we cry, we laugh, we rejoice, and some get drunk.
But we have a new Party President, nominated by the people to serve the people.

And that's why were Federalists.