eRep in Maps - October 13th

Day 693, 18:51 Published in USA USA by Mainegreen

As usual, let me start by saying you must visit eGobba's World Map. This tool is invaluable to anyone, especially in helping me try and collect the visual representation of what the heck is going on in eRep.

In order to understand these maps here is the legen😛

Included below the continental pictures is a link to allow you to see a larger version of the image.

Yesterday's Article

Editor's Note
Today I am excited. I am hopeful. I pray that Sweden may be bringing more exciting things for me to map than training wars. 😃

reported by Ethan Strickland

view large

* Czech Republic attacked Western Slovakia, Slovakia. This was in continuance of the Training war.

* The training war between Latvia and Lithuania started again today in Samogitia.

* And finally the big news of the day, Sweden attacked Midtjylland, United Kingdom. This was an unexpected move by Sweden. This battle could be used in many ways. First, if Sweden wins they would once again have a border with Hungary at Syddanmark. This would alow them to block Hungary if the need ever arose, (North America anyone?). This could force Hungary to surrender this region to Sweden just like they did in Nordjylland, during ww3. This region has no significant value except that it borders Germany. We know for the past the Sweden and Germany have not always been the best of friends. Remember that Sweden's attack on Germany help precipitate the fall of Atlantis. Should Sweden get a border with Germany again, it remains to be seen what, if anything, falls out from that. If they do defeat the UK then they would eliminate the UK from Denmark. This would mean that the UK would not being controlling any foreign soil. If we see Sweden lose, the possibility remains open of a UK counterattack. This is possibly only slightly less unlikely than Singapore attacking Indonesia, but I can always hope that UK and Sweden decide to really spice up the game again. (Hint, hint guys).

* But it was not to be. Shortly after attacking Midgetland, Swedish president st00r retreated from the battlefield. Or did he? His last shout was 'EXPLOITED AGAIN - AND THEY RETREATED THE BATTLE. THANK YOU. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz', shortly after retreating. I expect lulz and accusations to start flying, if they have not already. As this battle closed due to an apparent hack, I am not reporting the heroes.

* Update😛 The admins re-instated the battle. Yay admins!

reported by Ethan Strickland

* A standard training war was started in Shanxi, Indonesia.

* A resistance war was started in Kangwon, Russia. This is serving a Russia’s training battle for the day.

Closed Training wars
* See previous days maps for locations of started training wars.
* Sabah was secured by Malaysia in the training war versus the Philippines.
* Central Slovakia was secured by Slovakia in the training war versus Czech Republic.

Thanks for reading, and if you wouldn't mind, could you vote up the touring edition of this paper? It's in Israel today!