Who's your daddy? Day 18 of Addy's Clean CP Campaign

Day 927, 05:01 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence
Country President Endorsements to Date

Major props to the following parties who have given me their nomination, in the order they provided their support:

Canadian Empire Party (CEP)

Canadian Progressive Front (CPF)

North-American Reform Coalition (NARC)

Bloc Canadien (BLOC)

Canadian Paradox Party (CPP)

The Campaign Trail

Today, I have the pleasure of sharing a link with you, a link to a podcast prepared by Dade and I going through our platforms, trying to high-light the differences in the mandates we seek.

There is a fair amount of common ground in our platforms and cabinets, so what makes us different?

Check out this podcast and draw your own conclusion.

It's unmoderated and unmoderated, just two guys who respect each other exploring how we will move forward on June 5th.


Your daddy in national unity,

Addy Lawrence

"I will run a clean campaign." - Addy Lawrence.

My Veep will be the second place finisher so I will be respecting each of my opponents. I reiterated this commitment to Dade during the debate on the DAL IRC channel.

I will also post my campaign ads in this paper to verify the source of my ads. I ask that my supporters post a comment in my articles when linking their ads to my articles. No campaign ads will go unauthored.

I stand behind the ad from Bloc Canadien pointing to this article. The ad promoting the article has the "Bloc" banner over my avatar.

The Mandate I Seek

End the eFrance War with honour by July 4, 2010.

Titanium Tycoon (TitTy)
Stake a claim for eCanada as the premier titanium producer in erepublik by upgrading companies and funding export licenses.

Little Man Bonds
Provide our young citizens with wealth in a bond issue on June 15, 2010.

eCanada's First Hat Trick
Let's increase our population by 500 people.
Let's increase our GDP by 500 gold.
Let's hold our regions and take at least one eFrance region, Pays de la Loire.

My to-do list to achieve these things:
-behave positively
-build national unity wherever my sphere of influence permits
-recommend a 10% war tax to fund the war effort; and
-staff my cabinet with dynamos and reliable, steady performers.


Changes from last issue are highlighted in yellow.

Note the addition of the National Unity Privy Council!!!

Campaign Ads and Marketing Material to Date

With thanks to supabeasty:

Check out my eCBC interview with eCanada's Acacia Mason in this two part podcast

Check out this article by six-time Country President Jacobi.

Official "Vote for Addy" graphic, with compliments to saltydog:

The Walls of Text

Congratulations eCanada, you have brought down the wall, the wall of text. My "word picture" is now truly worth a thousand words, it summarizes the walls of text you brought down. A major shout out to saltydog for the tool to generate the graphic.

For your reference, here are the articles covering off my platform.

"Addy Lawrence in a Clean Campaign for CP on June 5"

"An Incomplete Biography"

"I Am Not A Perfect Candidate"

"I Am A Viable Candidate"

"Adopt, Adapt, then Innovate"

"Budget, Cabinet and Deputy Prime Minister"

"National Goals and Denoument"

Until tomorrow...

Who's your daddy?

Addy's your daddy!!!