Addy Lawrence in a Clean Campaign for CP on June 5

Day 910, 16:38 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence
The Elevator Pitch

In the business, you need an elevator pitch for your idea, in eRep, it's called TL😉R. Here is my elevator pitch for my candidacy for Country President on June 5, 2010.

My number one focus will be ending the eFrance War. I will need a crackerjack MoD who thinks outside the box and is willing to take risks, and to innovate. Muglack is my man.

My number two focus will be making eCanada an eRep Titanium Tycoon. I will need a crackerjack negotiator completely conversant in all of eCanada's key international relationships and advocating for eCanada's Titanium industry. Export licenses will be negotiated by my MoFA, Tyler F Durden.

My number three focus will be Little Man Bonds. Somebody has to stand up for the little guy, to push aside those fat ecats in eCanada who belly up to the trough on a regular basis. My MoF, Sir DeLaShaunRon Smith, will make sure that the little man gets his fair share in my term.

At the end of the day, all of the rest will blend into the background.

I promise the eCanada public a clean campaign and I guarantee it. How can I guarantee it?

Simple. My VP will be the candidate who finishes second in the election. You have my word on it.

Obviously I will need to collaborate with my VP in order to achieve my three goals or else I'm doomed. I can only effectively collaborate with my VP if I respect him or her during the campaign process. I must earn their respect for me to succeed.

This cuts two ways. My platform is simple, I want to achieve three things above all else. There will be capacity in the cabinet to achieve other things. Each of my opponents will have an opportunity to use these resources to achieve at least one of their top priorities. If they earn my respect, I will allocate to them these resources.

This is my TL😉R campaign for Country President and here is my TL😃R graphic of the articles I have prepared and will release over the coming days.

Your daddy in national unity,

Addy Lawrence

The Walls of Text

The walls of text are coming. I have already drafted them. The graphic above represents the content of my entire platform which will be released in daily articles over the balance of this week, thanks to saltydog for the tool to generate the graphic.

Look for these walls of text coming soon to a 5ub5cription near you:

"An Incomplete Biography"

"I Am Not A Perfect Candidate"

"I Am A Viable Candidate"

"Adopt, Adapt, then Innovate"

"National Goals and National Unity"

Until tomorrow...

...who's your daddy?

Addy's your daddy!!!