Who's your daddy? Day 3 of Addy's Clean CP Campaign

Day 912, 18:01 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence
Questions from Yesterday's Article

PimpDollaz: What is your strategy to deal with this war we are embroiled in? Finish France off?
Find peace somehow? Get wiped and start all over?

This is covered off in an article to be released later. As a sneak preview, it involves curtailing our activity in EDEN, becoming more of a pain to eFrance and adding dimensions to that pain, relentless negotiation, and potentially opening up another war.

Captain Kushskins: Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party of eCanada?

No. For the record, as a baby/noob, I was a member of both the CEP and the CSD for very short stints.

Ralph Kline: How did you know I had warts?

I'm a congressman from Alberta, we know everything about Ralph Klein.

Acacia Mason: I think I found one of those skeletons Addy...was this guy a party rep to your party at one point 😛?

Actually, he is one of the guys who voted red in the red/green prank and I asked Rylde to take care of him, he didn't have a sense of humour 🙂

I Am Not A Perfect Candidate

Everyone is imperfect (notice how I said that positively).

Fundamentally, eRep is a boring game. The game mechanics do not lend themselves to promoting “fun”, IMO fun is derived in the role-play. The absolute most fun that I have had in one day playing eRep caused quite a stir. I was the Deputy Minister of Information in Jacobi's cabinet at the time and I had access to the eCBC newspaper and org. In a moment of weakness, I logged into the org, changed the password and posted an article on eCBC promoting my Opportunity Fund, promoting the Canadian Progressive Front as the premier party in eCanada, and telling the entire nation to fight green in a New Jersey RW (at least I think it was green and New Jersey, could have been another region or a different colour). The point is, my instructions were opposite to the CAF orders and created mass confusion. This is referred to as The Red/Green Prank by those who remember it. The outcome of the resistance war was not affected, thankfully. I apologized and the key people involved, Jacobi and Greg McNeish, forgave me. This betrayal of national trust is one good reason why I am an imperfect candidate.

I don’t consider myself a troll in the purest sense of the word however I believe I have a reputation for being capable of trolling. I know that I have left some stinging troll marks on more than a few people and newspapers and congress threads. I believe that this makes me an imperfect candidate as well.

Last month, in campaigning for Tyler F Durden’s Country Presidency, I composed an article depicting a polar bear, clearly a stand-in for Prime Minister Nea Milosu, running over a figurative CPF member with a bus. This was the catalyst to an epic troll war that saw eCanadian politics circle the toilet bowl for three days ending ultimately with Tyler F Durden getting flushed down the toilet. This was not my finest moment and although I did not act alone, I’m the Party President and publisher of the Party Newspaper and it was my responsibility. Showing the eworld that I have the potential to slip into that vengeful state makes me an imperfect candidate as well.

I did promise to bury the hatchet on May 6th and for the most part I have, its been tough. However, I never did apologize and I will do that now.

I apologize to Prime Minister Nea Milosu for running the article in the party paper, it was unkind and uncalled for and disrespectful, particularly to a candidate for Country Presdient.

I also apologize to Tyler F Durden for not taking a stand against the suggestion to run the article.

I also apologize to the CPF for having a hand in tipping the scales against Tyler in an election he had a legitimate shot of winning.

These are my eflaws and they may come up, either through word of mouth or by a competitors campaign. I don’t deny these flaws, I may as well tell them to you myself.

A final note. The ads in my campaign will be posted in this newspaper. This will be the way that I sort "my ads" from "other ads". I anticipate that there will be a naysayer or two who will point out that I could run a slam ad but not put it in this newspaper and they are right. I can't do anything outside of my sphere of control but I can do plenty with what is within my sphere of control. Thanks to saltydog for this great idea to "author" ads.

Tomorrow, I will cover off why I am a viable candidate and the three objectives that I am seeking a mandate for.

Your daddy in national unity,

Addy Lawrence

The Walls of Text

The walls of text are coming. I have already drafted them. The graphic above represents the content of my entire platform which will be released in daily articles over the balance of this week. A major shout out to saltydog for the tool to generate the graphic.

Look for these walls of text coming soon to a 5ub5cription near you:

"Addy Lawrence in a Clean Campaign for CP on June 5"

"An Incomplete Biography"

"I Am Not A Perfect Candidate"

"I Am A Viable Candidate"

"Adopt, Adapt, then Innovate"

"National Goals and National Unity"

Until tomorrow...

...who's your daddy?

Addy's your daddy!!!