[bloc|en] Fortunately, there's Your Daddy

Day 923, 09:49 Published in Canada Canada by Kazuo Leblanc
The Bloc Canadien wholeheartedly endorses Addy Lawrence for Prime Minister. Lawrence's experience, enthusiasm, and commitment to Canada cannot be questioned and qualifies him immensely for the nation's highest office.

As a party that advocates for more education in Canada, we believe that Lawrence has the best plans and potential to advance Canada's educational system. During his tenure at the head of the Canadian Progressive Front, Lawrence created programs to promote new talent within his party. Lawrence's proposal for Little Man Bonds is a great step towards increasing participation by new players. Though small, this new program will engage new players and keep them engaged. In a country with a small population compared to the rest of the New World, we need all the help we can get and we need everyone to stick around. The Bloc is encouraged to see someone recognizing this reality, and hopes that this program will the first of many enacted by Lawrence to bring new people into the fold and keep them there.

Lawrence's campaign style already shows his ability to build community. We are pleased to see Lawrence seeking a broad coalition of support, and are thrilled to join other parties we respect in supporting Lawrence, including the North American Reform Coalition and the Canadian Empire Party. Lawrence's campaign platforms have been out for some time now, allowing for close scrutiny and question, a quality we approve of.

We are refreshingly pleased by Lawrence's brief platform. Consisting of three things, Little Man Bonds, Operation Stomps-Élysées, and the TitTy Plan, the Bloc sees a level of maturity and wisdom recognizing what exactly the Prime Minister can do during a term in office. Many Prime Ministers and candidates enter idealistically, yet depart with disdain having failed to live up to their pledges, a problem that could be averted by not promising the moon. With just three plans that will impact and improve Canada, we find it hard to see how Lawrence can fall short of such a succinct platform.

In foreign policy, the area where the candidates disagree the most, we agree with Lawrence's plan to re-tool our contributions towards EDEN, the Erepublik Defence and Economic Network, Operation Stomps-Élysées. Though we should remain strong commitments towards our chosen alliance, it should not be at the expense of our national security, something the current eFrance War exposes us to. By withdrawing from other EDEN engagements and focusing our efforts on winning or closing the eFrance War, we believe that this is an appropriate way to balance the two interests.

For these reasons, please join the Bloc Canadien in voting Addy Lawrence for Prime Minister. Many candidates run for office - Fortunately, There's Your Daddy.