[Mav] Resurrection

Tag 1,906, 07:00 Veröffentlicht in India Indien von Mav10 DK

Diktatory Warning: Short artikles are fail. Get Informed, Get Inspired, Get Involved. Don't be a Dik.

If you dik with India, you dik with me. Expect it honest. Expect it straight.

Tags: Resurrection

The Silent Observer was resurrected. Yet it knew not why. Why had it been called back into this world? What good could it do now that it was here? How would it survive in this vastly changed world, where both the streets & the people walking them were mostly different & new? And why was there Croatian colors flying in most of the land? Why was the land strewn with bombed out bunkers and fallen Indian warriors?

Too many questions & too few answers. Each answer leading to more questions. Feeling his way across the land, moving on pure instinct more than anything else, the observer decided it needed more intel to work with. One thing it knew for certain - India was under siege.

The Observer moved from shadow to shadow. Almost blending into the darkness, if not for the patch of white that passed for its face. Its eyes unblinking, devoid of eyelids, observing everything. It was almost as if he had been observing since the beginning of time.

The purpose of life is a life of purpose. ~ Robert Byrne

It was his gift, his curse. To know beyond that which ordinary eyes could see, to hear beyond that which ordinary ears could gather. And it was the only talent he could rely on to survive in this 'new' & unfamiliar world. The buildings had become taller, the weapons deadlier; the money on the streets harder to come by; a world of old & new 'Gods', with little place for mortals. It was not unlike the world he had left behind not so long ago, and yet the land he returned to was not the same anymore.

The new eIndia. A war-ravaged world. A world fighting for its own survival, against forces without and within. Warring factions, disgruntled citizens, towns & cities in ruins, a shattered economy. It was history repeating itself - over and over - as far as the Observer could see.

Sometimes things are just end up weird. 😁

The Observer recalled a time when a certain ally, having fought for India's liberation from superior Indonesian & Iranian forces - turned on her for a mere resource. The Karnataka saga. Yet she survived. And not for the first ... or last time. It recalled the Dioist invasion - a massacre, more like, as the nation got wiped by forces powered by the 'plastic' of a deranged man. Again, she fought back, regained friends & allies at a time when very few nations trusted her. She survived. Time and time again.

It recalled numerous instances of civil war within the nation - brother fighting against brother, over party lines, alliance-preferences, ways of governance & what not. Yet India always came together when enemies knocked at her door. Always united in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenge.

And so it was the Observer knew its purpose. It had seen much over time and it was seeing the same cycle repeating in on itself. There was much work to be done; enemies to be discovered and hounded out, lives to save, a nation to unite.

Its precious.

It was not just the resurrection of one soul that was needed; it was a nation that called for resurrection, for a united fight, for hope. And it was not the task of but one man, slipping in and out of shadows. But he would do his part - gather intel, strengthen the foundations of a great nation, rebuild - brick by brick, citizen by citizen; reforge alliances, brotherhoods of men and nations. And in that, as time & time again he had proved before - he was unstoppable.

So let the rebuilding begin!


~ TDC Editor ~ Knight of DODGE ~ Dik Grande
>>> Thoughts on Dioism & PTO-ers: <<<

Thanks to all my readers. Please leave a comment below, or PM.
P.s: Prabal.

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IRC Chat Channel: #india [Nick: maverick10 / PizzaBoy / silentobserver]