Our Gift 2U America - My Time In CSIS - Cordis Die - Other Stuff

Day 2,383, 23:36 Published in Canada Canada by crisfire

Oh America

eCanada got you a little somethin somethin to celebrate your vacating the premises

go ahead and open it

(Disclaimer: This does not reflect the feelings of the eCanadian Administration and while they did chip in for your gift they in no way condone the sentiment behind the T-Shirts)

OK onto sirius....opps sorry...i mean serious biz

There's a skeleton in my closet and since I just farted in it he really wants out.

If your new eCanada used to be a much different place then how you find it today and if your not and were born in the good ole days of V1 then you know of what I speak. It used to have a lot more citizens that were a lot more active and engaged in the various fun filled activities eRep and the community had to offer. We had one National army that used up all the tax money, eCanada had a court full of like 50 judges, we had Ambassadors and lawyers and we even had Francophones, we did, I'm not making that up.

eCanada also had CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) and I was a member called Agent Tisdale.

Now that I got three maybe four peoples attention Id like to rewind a bit. At the time eCanada had one National Army called the CAF or Canadian Armed Forces and we had one independent Military Unit called The Crimson Canucks (at the time we were not being funded). Anywho the Canucks from time to time would cause a wee bit of mayhem that ruffled some feathers within the CAF such as gaining access to its section of the eCan forums and announcing its disbandment and placing recruitment ads in various locations, and wouldn't ya know that the leadership of CSIS were also in the CAF. A bunch of us were banned and there was an effort in Congress to label us a terrorist organization. At the time I was the Commanding Officer of the Canadian branch of The Crimson Order and if memory serves it was Homer J Simpson that brought to light that a few of our members were actually working or might be working for CSIS, I dont remember if he had any proof, maybe he can enlighten me in the comments but lets say for the story's sake that CSIS/CAF wanted to know what the Crimsonites were up to as we were a constant threat to its image and perhaps its existence in the state it was at the time

So I thought it would only be fair if the watchers were watched and I took the oath and signed a non-disclosure something or other which I assume doesnt hold anymore, right?....right?

My plan was to approach CSIS much like I approached everything I did at the time and that was with enthusiasm and zeal, gain some trust and spy on the spyers, in the mean time I was given the exciting task of vetting immigrants before they were accepted into eCanada, at them time a few if not most cared about who got in.

Pretty soon I was given an even more exciting task of threat assessment, my area of focus was the United Kingdom as we were on and off combatants. I would research every party and its leadership and every CP candidate and his cabinet by going through articles, combat history, citizenship history, ect,ect,ect Id pass the info along to "my handler" and he would pass it on up the chain or wipe his virtual ass with it, I dont know, it was probably a huge waste of time.

and pretty soon after that CSIS disbanded and Agent Tisdale was given a modest severance of nothing and told thanks, go kick rocks. My whole Secret Agent Man career lasted maybe a couple months

My dream of being a Secret Agent Man never came to fruition as I never left the desk or accomplished anything I wanted to but Ill leave you with this. eCanada used to be a much more active and engaged country with scandal, political intrigue, epic campaigns, political crash and burns, worker bee's, villians and hero's and its a wee bit sad that those days are gone and we will probably never see days like them ever again.

Agent Tisdale signing off

Fun Fact: I got my Agent name from the USS Tisdale, one of the ships I was stationed on while in the US Navy

I was on board when it was decommissioned and sold to Turkey I believe

(click banner to join)

Requirements to join
-Minimum 35,000 strength
-Minimum eRepublik Military Rank of Legendary Force
-25kills/2 million influence per day (follow MU battle orders)
-avatar tag and slave pit participation is a must

Supplies are 100Q7 tanks a week (50 tanks on Sunday and Wednesday)
Bonus offered for top kills per day
Moving expenses and food available upon request

For more information PM Commander Flashgun or 2nd Commander InsaneSkillz

Getting Started

What should I do on daily basis
What is energy and how do I keep it high
What can I find in my land
Which features are unlocked after reaching each level


How you can fight
What happens on a battlefield
How wars work
What a resistance war is
What a resistance war is


Political Parties
When and how elections take place
What you can do if you’re a member of Congress or President


Different companies that you can create
Qualities of products
Different raw materials
Different products
How much you can produce in different companies

The Media

How you can find newspaper articles you are interested in
How and what’s required to start a newspaper
How to write newspaper articles

Great Tips for Beginners

- Join a Military Unit to take advantage of Daily Order rewards and seek help and supplies

- Join a political party and ask for help

- Save your gold to invest in training facilities

- Make lots of friends so that you can get info from shouts

- If your going to upgrade anything WAIT for the periodic deals like the 45% off company upgrade ect, ect.

- Make sure your in a Military Unit that provides supplies to fight and move

- Find enjoyment in game by interacting with others through the media, forums, shouts etc, and not even worrying about accomplishment in battle or business. These are crafted to be money sinks surely ending in disappointment.

- Don’t spend more in resources to accomplish eReps periodic missions then you get back in reward

- Do the math if you plan on hiring people and take tax’s into account, don’t lose money.

- eCanada is full of people willing to help out new players with food and weapons, start in MU’s and political party’s, grow your player network, use your feeds to ask for help.

- Upgrade your energy centers and training facilities, don’t waste gold on Energy bars and first aid packs.

- If you plan to spend real life money the best deal is the monthly Combat Stash

- Work, train and fight every day

- Don’t lose money chasing a Mercenary Medal as the reward is only 5 gold.

If you have any tips not included here please PM me and ill add them

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A Review for the IPC and Clan Wolf
A Game Played with Thrones and Military Units
Northern War with Aeriala Wormtongue and Gandalf Mason
The Heavy and Shaky Hand of the Law

Previous Interviews

DMV3 Sits Down with Crisfire's Daily Bowel Movement
An Interview with eCanada's Hero and Patriot, Rolo Tahmasee
Despicable DMV? Interview pt.1
Despicable DMV? Interview pt.2