(TDBM) Despicable DMV? Interview pt.1

Day 2,171, 13:50 Published in Canada Canada by crisfire

Previous Interviews

DMV3 Sits Down with Crisfire's Daily Bowel Movement
An Interview with eCanada's Hero and Patriot, Rolo Tahmasee

Ill keep the introduction short as there is a lot of information provided by DMV3 during this interview which is still on going. This interview will hopefully shed some light on PTO accusations from DMV3's point of view and what his intentions are for eCanada in the future.

The following is part one of a two part interview with DMV3

I wanted to hopefully wade through some of the hype, hysteria and BS to help myself and others come to some sort of conclusion regarding PTO allegations that have been aimed at you almost from the moment you set foot onto eCanadian soil. Can you please respond to the allegations. Is DMV simply looking for something different in eRep? Did DMV get tired of being a big fish in a huge pond? Is this the initial steps towards a PTO that might see eCanada under the thumb of US influences?

In order for eCanada to be under the thumb of the eUS that would mean I would have to be willing to take orders from the eUS government. I’m pretty sure my months of fighting for Canada against Spain and organizing other eUS MUs to do so as well fly in the face of that accusation. I openly fought against Spain in direct conflict with the eUS government and their Foreign Policy at the time, and even wrote articles admitting to it publicly. I’ve never been one who obeys anyone blindly, but if you can convince me with reason I’m much more likely to listen. The eUS government never gave me sufficient reasons not to fight for Canada against Spain so I continued to do so.

As far as being a big fish in a huge pond and looking for something different goes, I have to say the month before I ran for Canadian CP I had launched my campaign for eUS CP and then the day after I announced my mother passed away unexpectently so I took a couple weeks off from the game to handle family matters. When I came back everything in the eUS just felt wrong to me. Maybe it was the familiarity of it all, but I didn’t want to be there when I came back. Then I thought about working with Homer while he was CP, the fun we had, and him suggesting I come to Canada and run for CP.

Around the time I was contemplating coming up to eCan I was on IRC and I started talking to I-B-B and he said he was running for CP. We knew each other from working with Homer and other Canadian CPs, and I jokingly said I was considering moving up to Canada to run for CP. He more or less lost it when I suggested this and practically begged me not to do it. So I started a poll in my friend feed mostly just to poke fun at I-Bleed-Blue asking people if I should move to Canada and run for CP. The poll was overwhelming positive, but what surprised me the most was the number of influential Canadians who were encouraging me to do it.

Regardless of the results of the poll I was still on the fence about coming to Canada and running for CP for a couple of reasons. The first reason I felt compelled to stay in the eUS was my sense of duty. I had just accepted Secretary of Homeland Security under President Oblige. This was basically a job that I had been built for with my extensive foreign and domestic contact, plus my ability to coordinate large groups of people towards a common goal. So I contacted Oblige and talked things over with him. He basically told me that me leaving would not hurt his administration and that he would enjoy working with me as Canadian CP. For those of you who do not know me and Oblige had been fierce rivals and have fought very publicly over policy and each other’s actions in government, so when he suggested that he would like working with me if I got elected it made me feel better about leaving.

The second reason I was apprehensive about leaving to run for CP is that I was sure I would lose. I never expected the election to be that close and I honestly did not expect to win entering the country and the race in the 11th hour as it were. Even after it happened it seemed very unreal to me, but I did get elected so I intended to do the job to the best of my ability.

For months Canadian friends had been trying to get me to revive the Brolliance, but because of the love affair between Spain and the eUS and the way Canada and the eUS’s relationship ended it had been impossible. Then about a week after being elected a miracle happened, Spain NE’ed Mexico. This later got downgraded to a training war, but the damage to Spain’s relationship with certain CoT nations including the eUS had been done. So despite my campaign promise to remain neutral I pushed ahead with the one action I knew would lead to the relationship with the eUS Canada wanted, after consulting with the eUS President Oblige and CoT SC Potato134, I pushed ahead with joining CoT.

A little backstory on my campaign pledge regarding neutrality is in order before I move on. I made that pledge because I knew for a fact that with their relationships with Spain certain CoT nations (specifically the eUS) would not support our entry into CoT. So with what I saw a huge obstacle to joining the only alliance that made sense for Canada I chose neutrality over promising something I felt could not be delivered.

Put yourself into the shoes of a regular eCanadian, maybe one that has been playing this game as an eCanadian for several years and given all the available information we have at this moment about some ex-Amercan character named DMV3 that dropped into a CP race 5 days prior to the election, tries to throw cash around to keep tax’s low to attract immigrants, pays people to join his party which recently gained a top 5 spot to win congress members by the use of multi’s which side would you fall on? Would you subscribe to the belief that eCanada is in the early stages of a PTO?

I do understand why people have come to think I’m PTOing eCanada which is why I am trying to explain the whole story as it happened. To be honest I still find the whole thing a bit surreal, so I can definitely sympathize with the Canadian public being confused by the situation. I have tried to keep taxes low in eCanada because I believe that is the best course of action for us as a nation going forward. I offered to help subsidize the government because I have always been the type of person who puts my money where my mouth in. I have not paid anyone to join my party however, the most I have done is offer charity to all Canadians. I found out after the banning of a certain multi that he was bribing people to join the party, but I neither condone or approve of such actions. I am convinced that the use of multis to boost Canadian Prosperity into the Top Five is the work of someone outside the party to weaken our growth and to condemn the party publicly. Regardless of who is behind the move I abhor such tactics.

In the US forums a thread was started in which you were asked “Now that you have parachuted out and we have our PTO plants over there, how long before we invade? Will the Praetorians bankroll and lead the charge? To which you responded “I'm actually still in Canada, haven't decided if I want to stay or leave quite yet.” And when someone said that your response didn’t answer the question you then stated “Maybe get rid of Poland first?” I wanted to get your response to this

The thread in the eUS forums you referred to is basically several trolls spouting off about how much the hate Canada, these people are a small minority of the eUS population and are more or less largely two-clickers in the actual game. The thread is more or less a joke, these same people made fun of me on the forums for even wanting to be eCanadian CP and found it hilarious when I actually won after 5 days in the country. Me telling them “Maybe get rid of Poland first,” was a jab at them taking care of their own affairs before they try to meddle in ours.

On day 1741, so over 400 days ago you were running for CP of the US. My history is a little fuzzy around this time but I believe it was just after the brief US-Can war. I only bring this up because it is circulating and will probably surface during the upcoming campaign and wanted to give you the chance to speak to it now, in this article you stated

“You may have heard the drums of war sounding once again against Canada, I want to ensure you that I have no intention of going to war with Canada as long as their leadership respects our nation, its policy decisions, and continues on the road to reconciliation. Some will say the Canada needs to be punished for past crimes, and on that we can agree. The difference is I believed they were punished, and though it was not the punishment I would have levied against them I will not revisit it merely for the sake of war. If provocation is the order of the day from Canadian leadership I will not hesitate to wipe them off the map, but as long as they respect the eUS I will respect their right to exist. The moment that stops being the case will be the moment I will attack them and I will not relent until they cease to exist.”

Can you please comment on this period of time

I was Secretary of Education when the split between Canada and the eUS happened at the very end of Israel Stevens’ term as CP. I was appalled at what Rylde did, but even more disgusted with Israel Stevens’ response to it. As a President and a player he is among my least favorite in large part because of how he treated smaller nations and how he reacted to that incident.

Evry was elected as CP following that month and basically took over a sh** position, because of the way Israel reacted to the leak of CTRL. Now I’m not sure if Potato was actually under orders to bribe a Canadian Congressman to propose the NE as I saw nothing of it in all the cabinet discussion, but needless to say a NE was proposed by the Canadian Congress and Evry did not wait for an explanation from the Canadian government and instead jumped at the chance to teach Canada a lesson. This action led to a soft Civil War in the eUS with Seal Team 6 and the Marines fighting for Canada.

During that term I was one of the biggest proponent for continuing the war to its full conclusion, in this case wiping Canada. This move was very unpopular in the eUS (I conducted a poll with over 250 responses and 55-60% of people were against the war), and Evry was very back and forth publicly which did not help the popularity of the war. The reason for me supporting a wipe despite it being largely unpopular was the activity level in the eUS were at their highest levels since V1.

Jump ahead a month after Evry’s term, I was running for Potus against Israel Stevens and Pfeiffer, and the war drums were beating once again for a war with Canada because America was getting boring again and the other candidates thought a sequel would increase activity.

I had a different view of the events than my opponents. I thought that brinkmanship by both Rylde and Israel Stevens had caused a rift in one of the greatest relationships the game had seen and the time for escalation had passed. I believed that the relationship needed to begin the process of healing and while the majority of Americans agreed with me I was politically unknown by the majority of Americans and facing a former President. The rest as they say is history.


Getting Started

What should I do on daily basis
What is energy and how do I keep it high
What can I find in my land
Which features are unlocked after reaching each level


How you can fight
What happens on a battlefield
How wars work
What a resistance war is
What a resistance war is


Political Parties
When and how elections take place
What you can do if you’re a member of Congress or President


Different companies that you can create
Qualities of products
Different raw materials
Different products
How much you can produce in different companies

The Media

How you can find newspaper articles you are interested in
How and what’s required to start a newspaper
How to write newspaper articles

Great Tips for Beginners

- Join a Military Unit to take advantage of Daily Order rewards and seek help and supplies

- Join a political party and ask for help

- Save your gold to invest in training facilities

- Make lots of friends so that you can get info from shouts

- If your going to upgrade anything WAIT for the periodic deals like the 45% off company upgrade ect, ect.

- Make sure your in a Military Unit that provides supplies to fight and move

- Find enjoyment in game by interacting with others through the media, forums, shouts etc, and not even worrying about accomplishment in battle or business. These are crafted to be money sinks surely ending in disappointment.

- Don’t spend more in resources to accomplish eReps periodic missions then you get back in reward

- Do the math if you plan on hiring people and take tax’s into account, don’t lose money.

- eCanada is full of people willing to help out new players with food and weapons, start in MU’s and political party’s, grow your player network, use your feeds to ask for help.

- Upgrade your energy centers and training facilities, don’t waste gold on Energy bars and first aid packs.

- If you plan to spend real life money the best deal is the monthly Combat Stash

- Work, train and fight every day

- Don’t lose money chasing a Mercenary Medal as the reward is only 5 gold.

If you have any tips not included here please PM me and ill add them

(click banner to join)

(click banner to join)

Requirements to join
-Minimum 35,000 strength
-Minimum eRepublik Military Rank of Legendary Force
-25kills/2 million influence per day (follow MU battle orders)
-avatar tag and slave pit participation is a must

Supplies are 100Q7 tanks a week (50 tanks on Sunday and Wednesday)
Bonus offered for top kills per day
Moving expenses and food available upon request

For more information PM Commander Flashgun or 2nd Commander InsaneSkillz


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