Who's your daddy? Day 11 of Addy's Clean CP Campaign

Day 920, 18:49 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence
Questions from yesterday's article

CrazyMofo13: How can you compete against a Platform such as Addy's

Easy, you have to be transparent, be vulnerable and put yourself out there, be candid, and be accountable to yourself.

James McNamara: What are your views on Penguins? Specify the Emperor Penguin. And how will he be involved in the cabinet (if he is) and if he is not then why not?

And last thing, if Penguin is not in your cabinet, then can he be the offical "Minister of Fish and Snow"

In the words of The Tragically Hip, "the emperor penguin, devotion to the egg". I am totally for devotion to the egg, planning and building for the future. You reap what you sow. Abandon the egg and it freezes and dies. Little Man Bonds are my devotion to the egg!

I am considering a National Unity Privy Council that will have the Minister of Teh Lulz, Minister of Penguins, Minister of Kittenz, General of Friday Night Fights, and MC of eCanada Can Has Talent. You're a lock for a cabinet post JM!

el supero coolio: im sorry, all these words, can you tell me again why you should be cp?? and use pictures this time?? with lots of colors??

The worst of the walls of text are behind you, concise articles now. Stomp-Elysees. Titanium Tycoon. Little Man Bonds.

Dr. Pain: Do you really think that throwing thousands of gold into an useless war is a valuable strategy? Wouldn't this gold be better invested in our V2 fund? And please don't come with "If we don't fight now, we won't have Canada in V2", because this argument is moot considering the option of diplomacy.

I am very concerned about your plan to bring immigrants to Canada who want to kick some French ass alongside your appointment of the "very diplomatic" TFD as MoFA. That does not sound like sensible diplomatics to me and could cost Canada the reputation we build up for more than a year.
Although that sounds like the change Jacobi is talking about, it is not a CHANGE I can believe in. 😉

First off, gold needs to be spent to participate in training wars so the only cost of the eFrance war is the cost incremental to that of a training war. I believe that eCanadians want to fight on a regular basis and would prefer to fight in a meaningful way. Ending the eFrance war is a meaningful fight. The war exists, this is spilled milk, I will not debate the merits of opening the war, the fact is its open and it poses a threat and I freely admit that it is a dormant threat AT THIS TIME. I am asking for a mandate to end it. If that is not a popular notion then I will not be successful, I respect your opinion.

I participated in saving 1,000 gold in Chucky's term for v2 and I participated in saving another 1,000 for v2 in Derek Harland's term. Energy should be spent on planning and execution for v2, not saving more money. It is time to start laying concrete plans for v2. I've laid out the framework developed with my CPF colleagues and I've witnessed that it is the blueprint for the v2 Ministry's mandate. I have a very specific 120 member plan laid out for the Praetors, I could replicate this quite easily for a larger number of members. The question is, are people willing to buy into it?

Not all the people in eCan fighting the eFrench will be citizens, some will be transients. I agree that there will be pressure on CSIS to keep undesireables out. I consider the alternative, occupation, and its a risk I'm willing to take. I also have been advised that I'm foolish to think that eCanada alone can end this war so I am open to having transients here who will kick ass. They will buy our food and gifts and guns and work at our companies. This is not a bad thing.

PimpDollaz: Beatles or Rolling Stones?

Rolling Stones. Better drugs, better women, longer lives.

Dr Pain: Soccer or Cricket?

Soccer. I know how to play it and less people died last year.

Jacobi: What can be done to bring new faces into government?

Second Vice President! I implemented this in the CPF and it is paying HUGE dividends. Scotty Wilkinson, Auk Rest and CrazyMofo13 have each been the CPF's Second Vice President of the party. Its a huge confidence booster and these young guys do a lot to revitalize the leadership of the party. I've been holding back on this one but I am looking for a Second Vice President, someone young who has never been in Cabinet before, who isn't afraid to get thrown into the deep end of the pool.

How will Addy control the voting behavior of congress and how will this clash with the checks&balances system that TFD holds so high?

Nobody controls the voting behaviour of congress. If I am elected to office with a convincing mandate and respect the institution of congress and will earn their confidence and I will have influence with them. It will be my responsibility to maintain that confidence and use that influence. Nobody should expect to control congress, even a Party President with 30 seats in congress.

The Campaign Trail

Congratulations eCanada, you have brought down the wall, the wall of text. My "word picture" is now truly worth a thousand words, it summarizes the walls of text you brought down. A major shout out to saltydog for the tool to generate the graphic.

If you are looking for a concise summary, here it goes.

I will run a clean campaign. I will also post my campaign ads in this paper to verify the source of my ads. I ask that my supporters post a comment in my articles when linking their ads to my articles. No campaign ads will go unauthored.

I seek a mandate to improve eCanada in three ways:

One, Stomp-Elysees: End the eFrance War with honour by July 4, 2010.

Two, Titanium Tycoon: Stake a claim for eCanada as the premier titanium producer in erepublik by upgrading companies and funding export licenses.

Three, Little Man Bonds: Provide our young citizens with wealth in a bond issue on June 15, 2010.

I will do all these things by:
-behaving positively
-building national unity wherever my sphere of influence permits
-recommending a 10% war tax; and
-staffing my cabinet with dynamos and reliable, steady performers.

I would really like to cap things off by recording eCanada’s first Hat Trick and achieving each of eCanada’s three National Goals.

Your daddy in national unity,

Addy Lawrence


Campaign Ads and Material

With thanks to supabeasty:


Check out my eCBC interview with eCanada's Acacia Mason in this two part podcast

The Walls of Text

For your reference:

"Addy Lawrence in a Clean Campaign for CP on June 5"

"An Incomplete Biography"

"I Am Not A Perfect Candidate"

"I Am A Viable Candidate"

"Adopt, Adapt, then Innovate"

"Budget, Cabinet and Deputy Prime Minister"

"National Goals and Denoument"

Until tomorrow...

...who's your daddy?

Addy's your daddy!!!