Official White House Press Release #68: Jewitt Goes Out With A Bang

Day 807, 16:55 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Official White House Press Release (#6😎: Jewitt Goes Out With A Bang

4 February January 2010, Day 807 of the New World.

The contents of this White House Press Release are:

1. Jewitt On the Warpath!

2. Citizens, America Needs Your Help

3. Federal Assistance Made Easy

4. Presidential Election on Day 808

Jewitt On the Warpath!

Last week's blocking of redcoats evolved into full-blown killing of redcoats this week, as President Jewitt pushed the button on Day 803. The attacks went well, allowing the US to establish a beachhead on the British Isle. Due to the unfortunate inability of resistance wars to close properly on the morning of Day 804, however, the American momentum slowed and the eUK managed to initiate blocking attacks on both Spain and Poland. America re-established its initiative-controlling attacks of the UK later that day, and now lays siege to South East of England. A victory tonight would allow the US to attack London, the heart of England.

George Washington: He'll kick the British apart.

The victories in England would not have been possible without the best efforts and collaboration between EDEN forces. As such, the White House would like to thank Norway, Sweden, Canada, Romania, Poland, Spain, and the rest of our EDEN allies for all of their hard work and coordination thus far.

As an unfortunate side effect of attacking England, President Jewitt feels that France has to be initiative blocked to prevent any interference in US operations. So, on Day 806, our President initiated blocking of France and thereby canceling our new MPP with Ukraine. Jewitt has offered his sincere apology to Ukraine for the loss of the MPP and acknowledges that France may have had no intentions of interfering, but he feels he's taken the best course of action in the war.

Citizens, America Needs Your Help

America needs help, and only US civilians can do the job. You see, we need brave volunteers who will bravely shoot redcoats not as uniformed soldiers but as guerrilla fighters who stand united for mass attacks, only to disappear back into the population once more. Deputy Chief of Staff St. Krems and the Citizen Defense Force are uniting these heroic men and women to rise up against the British. America, we must liberate the UK from itself, and we need civilian support just as much as we need our military. Additionally, by joining you can hangout with Congressmen and President Jewitt, meet military officials, and you even might gain higher quality weapons if you're a repeat attendee.

The Citizen Defense Force is also the place to go for the latest news on Bayonets for Brits -- our free weapons program for you. That's right, we give you free weapons to shoot redcoats just for being American.

Federal Assistance Made Easy

Confused about the difference between the USA Welcoming Committee, the Salvation Army, and the Welcoming Comittee? Do you want to sign up for classes at the North American Universrity or help out withe Community Development Project? The Department of Interior has released this handy one-stop shop.

Presidential Elections on Day 808

The Presidential Elections are tomorrow, Day 808. Don't forget to vote; it's your duty as an American. Plus, it's free experience points, and who doesn't like that? Good luck to candidates PigInZen, Josh Frost, Joe Newton, and Astra Kat G. May the best candidate win.

This concludes the sixty-eighth White House Press Release and the fifth and final one of this Presidential term. On a personal note, Rheinlander von Phalz and I would like to thank the White House for providing us with the opportunity to serve in their Cabinet and Department of Media respectively. I hope I haven't dissapointed the White House (too much). Observe DoD Orders to maximize your killing of redcoats!

Signing off,

Mr. Hyphenated
White House Press Secretary

Rheinlander von Phalz
Secretary of Media