Frost/McFarland for February: A Message for America and GLaDOS

Day 807, 06:59 Published in USA Poland by Battle Kitten

Thank You

Well, this is it. This will be the last election related article I am going to write. First off, I want to thank a lot of people and parties. My first thanks goes out to my campaign team who worked very hard. Campaigns in eRepublik are hard and time consuming. I want to thank each and every person who wrote articles endorsing me and I also want to thank the people who helped me send PM's. I'll never forget the help you provided and if you ever need anything, you just need to say the word. I would like to thank the parties who endorsed me. I appreciate your faith in me and your willingness to take the time to listen to my ideas. I also want to thank the other candidates in this election for running clean campaigns and for being so courteous. It's an aberration trust me. I especially want to thank Max McFarland for being a great running mate. He made the campaign fun for me and was always willing to challenge me with new ideas. Lastly, I want to thank the American people. You took the time to read my articles and comment and I also received hundreds of pm's from people asking questions and expressing their support. It means a lot to me and I appreciate it. Win or lose, you are all tops in my book.

Platform Summary

I've said it before and I will say it again. We are at a crossroads in this country. We face very different challenges than we have in the past. Our population is dwindling, Our economy has taken a downturn, and people are losing their enthusiasm in the game. These problems are just as deadly as the North American invasion and if not corrected will more than likely be just as devastating. I believe I have the plan to not only bring us back from the brink, but to also make us one of if not the most powerful nations in the world. I am going to briefly summarize my platform positions here. If you want to fully read the platform, go to this link:

The Military

My plan to aid the military is as follows:

1. Propose a program that will pay half of the training costs for soldiers willing to pay for the other half of their training.
2. Increase the budget of our lower levelled branches so they can rank faster.


My plan in terms of war is as follows:

1. Set short term military goals that are attainable.
2. Set long term goals that involve campaign warfare to spur activity and promote a long term vision of the eUSA's place in the world.
3. Wipe out the UK.

Foreign Policy

My foreign policy is:

1. Reach out to disenchanted Phoenix nations and offer them an alternative.
2. Sway neutral countries over to the EDEN alliance.
3. Pursue better and longer lasting relations with our allies and work together with a cooperative spirit.

Citizen Retention and Recruitment

My plans for Citizen Retention are:

1. Expanding government services to reach new players.
2. Off site recruitment of new players.
3. Militia funding.
4. More active and competitive political parties.


My plans for Congress are:

1. To consistently keep Congress in the loop on important policy decisions.
2. Seek Congressional input on decisions, to keep them more informed, spur debate, and develop better policy.

Our Economy

My Economic plans are:

1. Start short term and long term military engagements to spur the iron and gun markets.
2. These wars will lead to increased revenue and in turn the ability to better fund government programs and the military.
3. Work with Congress and the Economic Council to constantly reevaluate and determine the peg

That's all I have left to say. The decision on who the next President is now in your hands. I know what I am capable of and I know what this nation needs to do to be successful. We need to change the way we think and what we do both at home and around the world. Come February 5th, I encourage all of you to vote for Josh Frost and Max McFarland!!!

My Idea of Fun

Got a ton of PM's today from people asking me what they thought would be fun for the American people. Here is one idea:

Turning Big Ben into a Digital Clock

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A Message for GLaDOS
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I say old chap!! I believe you and your friends are going to get a good beat down!! What say you?

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This new player (Katiari) has an excellent analysis of the war, please subscribe to her paper: