July 5th - On the Eve of the Election

Day 1,322, 10:28 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry

The Campaign Trail:
July 5th - Sperry & TemujinBC
Demand the Best - Accountable, Quality Leadership
The Most Powerful Button - Why Community Comes First
Cabinet Release - Our Team
Our Magna Carta - The Strength of Congress
Where the Mind is Without Fear - Committing to What Matters

Today is the last day of campaigning before Canadians select their next leader. For more than 2 weeks, candidates have presented themselves to the media in an effort to gain the voters' confidence and, more pragmatically, a Click on election day. This article is the last in a series of 7 (links above); part of an effort to show Canada where I'm coming from and what my thoughts are on the Presidency.

In part these articles have served as a "platform", suggesting what I will focus on should I be elected tomorrow. They are also, however, a reminder. A reminder that whoever Canada chooses as its leader, our nation deserves more than a "if they suck we can Impeach". We deserve a leader that we don't need to Impeach. One that we can recover under, and also one who can keep us interested in this game when many wonder 'why bother?'. Most importantly, these articles are a reminder to our soon-to-be-President that they are elected by the people - we are their employer, and they must answer to us when called on. No President deserves the luxury of silent acceptance.

Tomorrow's elections bring forth 5 candidates for you to choose from. They are:

Mr. Rock, supported by the Congressional Party;
Rolo Tahmasee, supported by the DAL and 4 other parties;
Jsboutin, supported by the Union Nationale;
Incumbent Muglack, supported by the MDP;
and myself.

I have appreciated being a part of this month's campaign series. Running with Jsboutin has given me the opportunity to speak to Canadians from a myriad of backgrounds, including both old faces and new arrivals. I think that these campaigns have improved the troubling trend of the past few months, and I hope that such improvements continue in the future. Summer may be time off from school or work, but it's no break for eRepublik, and Canada keeps on trucking unabated. Campaigners should behave accordingly.

I'd like to thank the many people and parties who have decided to support my candidacy. My Cabinet and I greatly appreciate your votes of confidence, and regardless of tomorrow's results, your support has not gone unnoticed. You are a fantastic bunch of people and I am humbled by your support.

Only a few hours remain before the vote, but July is long and our road to recovery seems even longer. Now more than ever, don't forget:

Demand what you deserve. Demand the best.

July 5th: Sperry for CP
Dum spiro spero.