July 5th - Our Magna Carta

Day 1,316, 17:07 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry
French version inbound!

The Campaign Trail:
July 5th - Sperry & TemujinBC
Demand the Best - Accountable, Quality Leadership
The Most Powerful Button - Why Community Comes First
Cabinet Release - Our Team

There's something to be said for history. It is our history that reminds us that the One Invasion does not mean the end of Canada. It is our history that teaches us the prospect of a wipe, as we faced in 2009, cannot destroy our nation nor unravel community. Recovery is not only possible - it is inevitable.

How do we achieve this recovery in the face of Polish, Spanish, and Indonesian adversities? By standing with the strongest thing we have - each other. It's more than just reaching out to new players who have yet to appear. It's about using, as effectively as we can, the very community we have created for ourself, at every level.

History of another sort - that of real life - brought England the Magna Carta many years ago. This Charter created liberties for the citizens England already had, as well as those yet to come. Canada has its own such Charter, for reasons just as important. Our Charter exists for more than just "roleplay". It contains the very blueprints for effective government, if only we would use them.

Recently, John Cleese (Adasko) has released a series of articles about the importance of Congress. Support him or not, his point on Congress is clear - they influence a great deal of Canada's policies, and like King John's Britons, deserve respect. Our Charter and Game Mechanics require Congress and the President to work together to achieve our Nation's goals. As we creep ever closer to the 5th, our newly elected Congress continues to stress the importance of their input - and rightly so. In order for our country to recover, our elected leaders must communicate, and they must be decisive.

The discord of the past 2 months has included a series of vehement disputes between our Presidents and Congress. The sources of these disputes are numerous, but their solution is the same: consistent, honest respect. Congress and the President need not agree, but they must be open to moving forward together as a Nation, and not against each other for ego's sake. This is all the more important in the face of a 3-way invasion from One.

I have had the pleasure of sitting in Congress 5 times in Canada, and each month, the relationship with the President effects directly the direction of the country. Presidents who work with Congress - who communicate their needs and are open to alternatives - keep morale high through even the deepest chasms. Presidents who deny this opportunity sap their effectiveness, and hurt the Canadian brand more than any invasion ever could.

On July 5th, we must elect a leader who understands that "the big chair" is not the only chair. We must elect a leader willing to communicate with Canadians at every level, particularly those who are just as passionate about our nation. Most importantly, we must elect a leader who understands that this collaboration will give us the direction to withstand One's temporary presence, and to recover in the aftermath. We have a Magna Carta. Let us use it.

Demand what you deserve. Demand the best.

July 5th: Sperry for CP
Dum spiro spero.