July 5th - The Most Powerful Button

Day 1,310, 14:33 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry
French version on its way!

Dum spiro, spero.

A lot of talk has been had lately over the purpose, and even the value, of the Presidency. "Only Buttons", a number of pundits tell us, the function of the Chief Office reduced to a few well-timed clicks at the whim of more numerous bodies who have access to a large red "Impeach" button. Correct or not, this assessment has led many to call for Canada to elect the 'Best Button-Pusher', mechanical masters surpassing all other aspects of this game in importance.

To an extent, they're right. It is important that a President not only push buttons, but also do so at the right time of day, and in the right places. That's rather like the rest of us - as citizens we need to know what buttons to push, and when. It's no good clicking "fight fight fight" in Pointless Region 57A, when battles like the tight New Brunswick match are raging (Go fight there if it's not over when you read this, by the way).

But the President, despite all of their prestige, is just another citizen. Their obligations match the rest of ours - contribute to this country, do your duty, and make this game enjoyable. They have a button to help them do this. It's not secretly locked away in the "CPs Only Club". It's a button we all know, and a button given far too little credit:

It's simple: Communication. In an online "MMO", communication is key. Wars, alliances, and the economy are essential, don't get me wrong. But none of these things can happen effectively without strong communication skills. Open communication was one of the major reasons a lot of Canadians backed Rolo up before he was Impeached - say what you will about the man, his government published regular articles, interacted with Congress, and chain shouted the dickens out of regular Canadians. It's this sort of widespread communication that keeps us informed, and lets us know what's going on.

There are 1900 people in this country. It's hard to reach all of them. But the more ways you get the message out there - even in a 140 word blip - the more people you're going to reach. That means more Canadians are in the know, and more Canadians can play this game.

It's absolutely essential that our leaders - current and future - do everything they can to keep Canadians informed. Limited communication is why some fantastically great ideas have been misunderstood in the past. A lot of our peers abroad - Sweden and the USA included - make use of some fantastic communication methods. They reach their citizens every day of the week. We can certainly bring ourselves to those heights.

Demand what you deserve. Demand the best.

July 5th: Sperry for CP
Dum spiro spero.