July 5th - Where the Mind is Without Fear

Day 1,320, 12:04 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry

The Campaign Trail:
July 5th - Sperry & TemujinBC
Demand the Best - Accountable, Quality Leadership
The Most Powerful Button - Why Community Comes First
Cabinet Release - Our Team
Our Magna Carta - The Strength of Congress

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls
Where words come out from the depth of truth
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit
Where the mind is led forward by thee
Into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.

Penned by Tagore in 1912, the above poem comes from a nation that would spend the next three decades in a push for freedom. It was not until 1947 that foreign rule was rule was lifted, but lifted it was, and Tagore earned a Nobel Prize for his works.

His words apply as much to eCanada as they did in real life. We are a nation once again met with the struggle of occupation. Three enemies - two considerably larger and more powerful than ourselves - have taken hold in our lands. Many of our players have fallen idle after a series of national upsets and disappointments.

This is a time for Tagore's words to be taken to heart. It is a time for Canada to know that we are but bruised, not broken. That no extent of occupation can rob us of our will to resist or our dedication to this game. Victories in Canada ride on waves of passion, not brute force. The defiance of Rolo, the tenacity of TFD, the drive of Jacobi - these are not simply once-given gestures. They are the ongoing tireless strives which Tagore tells us are so essential to our success.

The path to a repatriated Canada is not going to be found through one person alone. Though the head of a country, the President is not the whole body. Our leader in July must recognize this - humbly - and work toward building a community centered on action, accountability, and assertiveness. This leader must recognize the power of information, and apply it to a vast citizenry who are eager to get involved, should we but tell them where and how.

The coming months need more than small modular projects, noble though they are. We require commitment. Commitment to be at this game's beck and call throughout each term - to have leaders we can rely on to guide us, advise us, and most importantly, answer to us.

Canada is in a position where we can choose a leader to fit the shape of the nation. We can choose a leader to awaken us as Tagore espouses we might. But to get this, we must demand it.

Demand what you deserve. Demand the best.

July 5th: Sperry for CP
Dum spiro spero.