I'm Back.

Day 1,180, 19:24 Published in Canada Canada by Alaricus

Hello eCanada,

It's been a long while, and oh how you have changed and morphed in my absence.

As some of you may know,I recently came back from the dead about 12 days ago.

Many probably don't remember me, or are too young to remember.

But I remember you eCanada, year long has passed, and I did miss you, it's good to be back.

Many changes in eCanada were also happening since my return. From the newly elected president, the continuing financial crisis, to the PANAM news, and even the "confessions of a douche" article by Wes Lewis, which proved confusing at the time for me(1 day after resurrection). Although I am a bit disapointed, as the number of newspaper votes look more or less around the same as the last time I was here(it actually looks like it dwindled a bit). The news has been interesting to say the least, both on the forums and on erep.

Current Articles that have cuaght my attention within the past couple of days:

Support a Platoon Work Rotations Strengthen eCanada

[MoC] PANAM Involvement Update [EN/FR]

TCO and the Minimum wage proposal

Citizens get your supply here!

Dare to take a chance!

[MOO] The Velocity of Money (Day 1179)

The Parties of the Future

[MDP] We're Working for You!!!

Current eCanadian forum topics that I thought should be liste😛

Immediate raise in VAT

Congress Roll Call(this should happen once a week IMHO)

On Minimum Wage Raise: The CAF is a PRIVATE Militia

PANAM Needs A New Name!

Strengthening the CAD (aka Addy's Proposal)

Since my return I have been a bit busy reconnecting with old friends and suprisingly foes alike. I have decided to join the MDP party, in hopes of making a difference there.

I have a company(Young Gunz) assossiated with MDP, dedicated to young eCanadians. Only citizen's with an economy skill of 7 - 1 are aloud to work at this company(for the exception of 1 guru). As well as recieving a decent daily wage, the citizen's at this company will recieve half of the guns they produced in a week, 4 times a month.

If anyone wants to join this company, and their are no job listings, please contact me.

Last but not least, it has come to my attention within the last couple of days, that my good friend TFD passed away on May 31st, 2010.

Many have already come to terms with this, but since I was away for the past year, and had not realized this happened, I wanted to bring it up one last time for closure.

He was a mentor, a friend, someone you could count on, and for him to make as much of an impact on me during my beginning years of eRepublik, shows that he had plenty of integrity and Character. Without him, I don't think I would have joined the CPF in the first place. He was the soul and essence of that political party, and I think I will always feel that way.

In Tyler's Memory, I Do Trust.

I have purchased another year on christopher Emmerson's(TFD) guest book page, if anyone wants to see it or comment on it again.

Stay strong eCanada,
Alaricus Out.