Dare to take a chance!

Day 1,178, 18:44 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision




Or more recently work, work, work, work, etc.

Something happens?

Complain about it, write about it, plagiarize someone else complaint.

But don't do anything about it.

Especially do not dare to be different, do not dare to take a chance.

We all know the troubles the New World economy is in. Almost all of us universally understand there is nothing we can do about it if the Hand of God descends once more and makes further changes.

We can even acknowledge that there might be nothing we can do about it period.

But why not try?

Addy Lawrence just published a proposal, based on Octavian's bond program (which he never fully explained), that is simple, easy to understand and... just might work.

To the best of our knowledge it would be a first in the New World.

What it would achieve for sure is remove a large amount of CAD from circulation.

What it might do in theory is raise the value of the CAD. Perhaps overnight, perhaps over a few days.

I don't need to be a guru to understand that in a New World were every single currency is going down, if mine is going up, I will be a winner.

Don't be afraid of a plan because it creates a precedent, look at it as an opportunity.

We are only given very limited tools, in the case of money just one. The tools we create for ourselves may or may not work but we won't know unless we take a chance. Look at the success of Victory Bonds...

Canada needs to be bold because being like everyone else will leave us in exactly the same place we are now... the middle.

Finally Canada... after losing thousands of gold to repeated offenders... what is $7,500 (the cost proposed by Addy) CAD/month?

Let's show a little courage and trust in our ingenuity.