[MDP] We're Working for You!!!

Day 1,179, 11:40 Published in Canada Canada by Kilgore Trout 89

Time for some honesty: I have no intention of distracting you for a lack of content in this article by putting pictures of girls in bikinis. I don’t have all the answers to all the problems facing society. What I do have is the ability to say what I mean and to state my beliefs without fearing that it might make me unpopular or shake things up. What we need in this country is action. It’s time to put an end to the constant blathering from politicians who promise that they can change the country overnight with some grandiose master plan. All we can do is make educated guesses and do what we can to make a little difference here and there. There is only one party that is dedicated to taking any action that will benefit citizens no matter how big or small, no matter how unpopular or widely supported. That party is the Military Dictatorship Party.

The MDP has some of the most active congressmen right now. We don’t spend weeks putting off action so the same three people can make the same three points over and over. When we see an idea that could make a change, we push for it and we don’t give up. The MDP will do whatever it takes to make sure that the hardworking citizens in this country will get what they deserve: a government that works for everyone, not just for politicians.

On top of it all, the MDP doesn’t limit our activities to politics and looking for votes. We take care of our members. What services can you look forward to if you join the MDP you ask? We run a wellness program on our forums that will make sure you are always at maximum health. We allow any party member who demonstrates a willingness to try their hand at running for congress regardless of how experienced they are. We will run 30 active citizens with no experience before we run a single person who can’t be bothered to take part in congress. On our forums you will also find a Political Academy where you can get all the help you need to run an effective campaign. That’s right, we won’t leave you in the cold, we’ll actually help teach your how to play the game. We’ve also added a new section to the forums today. We now operate an MDP members-only Marketplace where you can do business with other MDP members and find jobs, supplies, employees and look for any economic advice that you could ever need. That’s right, join the MDP and you’ll never have to go hunting for the highest paying job or best deal on raw materials again.

What are you waiting for? JOIN THE MDP TODAY!!!