TCO and the Minimum wage proposal

Day 1,180, 09:44 Published in Canada Canada by Lavis Knight

It appears that the minimum wage proposal by Kilgore Trout is very likely going to pass:

Minimum Wage Vote

I just wanted to make this clear and there is no hiding about this:

The minimum wage proposal was singlehandedly crafted to damage the TCO funding model and every congressman who voted for this whether they realized it or not essentially voted for a proposal that rea😛

"Would you like to Damage TCO's self-funding model?"

You can read the arguments here in open congress if you have access:

Minimum Wage Debate

I may have never agreed with the way TCO supplies its troops; however, in this they did it on their own and fostered community within their ranks.

The main argument for this proposal contains 2 points:

1. TCO is privately owned/Self Sufficient; thus, deserves less funding

2. Raising minimum wage will help regular citizens

1. The TCO is privately owned and Self Sufficient; thus, deserves less funding

First i will concede the point that the TCO is a Private militia; however, i would also argue as i did yesterday that the CAF is also private:

CAF is a PRIVATE miltia

However even if you do not suscribe to that argument what logic is there to punish an organization for being self sufficient? Under the assumption that something in the budget needs to be cut why would you target an organization that is using a self funding model?

How dare anyone do this? The TCO has been working for slave wages for ever, they have sacrificed upwards of 20-30 Cad a day in order to fight in our battles for us while fostering a thriving community! Why would they be the first we would cut if something needed to be cut?

Furthermore why would we go out of our way to do it under the guise of raising minimum wage?

2 Raising minimum wage will help regular citizens

This argument is only used to help support the main point; however, upon close examination of the job market the new minimum wage will not be effective any time soon as the lowest wages are already 4 times higher than the new proposed one:

Job Market

This proposal will also damage other initiatives such as the SPP, which will require even more government subsidy in order to maintain the 4 to 1 work benefit.

This is why i would urge anyone, be you from the CAF/TCO or a regular citizen to please oppose this and i would plead to any congressmen who have not yet voted to vote against this measure.

If you punish people for efficient you are promoting inneficiency

If this passes we all lose

Be well
