[MOO] The Velocity of Money (Day 1179)

Day 1,180, 11:34 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence

Why do you need money?

To buy things.

Is the supply of money fixed?

Yes. Once money is printed, it exists. Some money is taken out of circulation when a player "dies" with money in their account, otherwise, money cannot be physically destroyed.

Does the supply of money affect anything?

Yes. Like any situation where there is supply and demand, when there is an increase in quantity of supply, quantity of demand increases as well. An increase in the physical supply of money will trigger an increase in the demand for money, this is done via a price increase.

What is the velocity of money?

The velocity of money is a measurement comparing the ratio of the money supply to the amount of the transactions using that money.

V = Velocity of money
T = Transactions using that money
M = The amount of that money in circulation

V = T / M

I am reading talk of increasing income taxes in congress in an effort to strengthen the CAD. The theory is that the increased taxes will make their way to the government where they will stockpile the cash and strengthen the CAD. This will work and I must admit it, it will work. That said, a bicycle will also get you to work each day. So will a taxi. So will a bus. So will a car. Long way to say that there are faster and better ways to strengthen the CAD through tax policy. You can use fiscal policy and issue debt but I've beaten that horse for two days, I may as well beat another horse that is a better performer.

Consider that if you raise income taxes by 10%, you are splitting $1 of wages a different way, there is still only $1. Nothing has changed in our Velocity of Money algorithm:

V = T / M

T used to be 95% for you, and 5% for the government + 5% VAT.

Now, if you raise the VAT by 10%, you are increasing the cost of transactions by 10%. You will increase the velocity of money:

V = T*115/105 / M

By increasing the VAT you will increase the velocity of money by 115/105 or 9.5%. In addition, the additional taxes will make their way to government to be stockpiled, just like the proposed income tax stockpile. This will work, and it will work faster than increasing income taxes.

I don't make this stuff up, its legit economic theory and its actually quite interesting to apply it to a little micro-economy like eRep.

The side effect of this VAT-centric approach is that it will pick up tax revenue from the purchase-bots that admin has created. Purchase-bots will not pay income tax, and isn't that the largest tax evasion that eCanadian congressmen should be chasing?

So what should I do with this information?

Support an increase in VAT in congress. Kill the notions in congress about increasing income tax.


There is talk in congress of raising income taxes in an effort to strengthen the CAD. I don't agree with this, we should consider mortgages before raising taxes. Regardless, I am only one voice and apparently I'm only in it to get rich so the focus has shifted to minimum wage and raising income taxes. Well, neither of those ideas are even second best, increasing VAT is the second best solution. It creates more demand for money and it takes money out of circulation, so long as the government doesn't spend it on food programs because noobs can't find jobs because businesses can't afford to pay Level 4 and below employees a minimum wage.

Consider joining Ministry of Opportunity (MOO) today. MOO is committed to keeping income taxes low, keeping product prices low, and keeping wads of money out of the hands of government. Join the MOO forum.