Day 1,141, 23:24 Published in USA USA by Hadrian X

Representatives from the top 5 eUS political parties were asked about their official party endorsement for today’s Presidential election. There is a lot of campaign information out there, but hopefully this will be an additional resource for voters to make an intelligent and informed decision at the ballot box today.

We approached the Party President’s of the top 5 parties to discuss their endorsements. In the case of USWP, since Haliman is both USWP PP and POTUS candidate, S3RO responded in his place. Also, S.E.E.S. PP Greek Hoplite could not be reached for comment in time for this article, so Nicholas Ryan represented the party instead.

Greene12 – Federalist Party President

Iasov – Libertarian Party President

Nicholas Ryan – SEES “Acting-Furher”

Athanaric – UIP Party President and deputy Speaker of the House

S3RO – USWP Executive Board Member and deputy Speaker of the House

Q: Which candidate is officially endorsed by your party in the upcoming Presidential elections?

Greene12 (Feds): Haliman

Iasov (Libs): Inwegen

Nicholas Ryan (SEES): Firstly, I'd like to make clear. Jovan Tekelija’s Endorsement was a SNAFU, as our party name implies, we are endorsing Inwegen.

Athanaric (UIP): Haliman

S3RO (USWP): Haliman

Q: What was the selection process like and how close was the primary race between candidates?

Greene12 (Feds): We run a simple forum poll on a section of our forum limited to party members each month, once we know of someone running they get added. This month Haliman won with 21 votes to Inwegen's 18 votes, a spread of just 3.

Iasov (Libs): We used the Google Doc that was announced in our Libertarian Bulletin paper, Daily Orders Mass Message, and in the #USLP IRC channel. The only two candidates on the ballot were Haliman and Inwegen. The results were not very close at all. Inwegen received the nomination 16 votes ahead of Haliman.

Nicholas Ryan (SEES): Emerick said so before he quit. I'd have said the same.

Athanaric (UIP): The UIP uses a forum primary to decide who we endorse. The process always starts two days before the first of the month, and ends the last night of the month. We then endorse our member the next day. This month, we had what is arguably the closest primary we have ever had, in terms of CP. Haliman had an early lead, but Inwegen maintained a longer lead throughout the next two days. By the end, we had members changing their votes quite often. It was very close. Probably the closest in the nation.

S3RO (USWP): Haliman finished with a huge lead, final results were 35 for Haliman and 3 for wiggy if I recall correctly. Our whole party was actually mm'ed by CRoy, recruiting votes for wiggy and recommending they log into our forums and vote in the primary. In the end it was clear the party was unified for Haliman, despite the mm'ing attempts by other individuals. For the selection process we have a period where members can nominate individuals. After this process is complete we move on to a poll on the forum. Then members have a period to vote in this poll. After it’s done the person with the most votes is declared the endorsed candidate. We do all this according to a pre-established timeline, so it is very standard procedure.

Q: Which candidate do you personally support and why?

Greene12 (Feds): I prefer Haliman, I think he has greater potential to budge the status quo, and he's just more personable.

Iasov (Libs): While I'd like to say that I officially have no comment to that question, I will comment by saying that I'm not certain of either candidate but I'm not saying they're unqualified. I will support whoever wins the election, however.

Nicholas Ryan (SEES): Personally, I stand behind Wiggy. I know him better than most people and, while he is a bit rough around the edges, he's all business and knows the game as well as just about anyone. I couldn't get Haliman to commit to the debate, right up until we started. I don't think that speaks very well about his decision making ability and, as President, he'd face much greater decisions than that.

Athanaric (UIP): As a party president I have a duty to fully support whichever candidate my party chooses to support. Such is the way. But, personally I have had a time of it deciding who I support on a personal level. I'll be very honest. Haliman is a very close friend of mine. We've worked on a lot together, and we've been friends for a while. Do I think he'll be the best president we've ever had? No. Do I know that he'll be up to the challenges we face this month? No, but I trust in him. Would Inwegen be a better POTUS with more experience? Yes. I'm still having a hard time deciding, as Inwegen does possess a strong position to help us with PanAm. Whatever my choice, you'll know eventually. But that will never detract from who my party is behind.

S3RO (USWP): Whats interesting about this race is there are only 2 candidates. Not two front runners. So you really have to consider the two at the same time. With that being said I 100% support Haliman. I worked under him back in the day when he was the director of the USWP Communications Department, and have been working for him for several months now as our PP. If everyone else had the experience I have had with working with him over the past months they would understand my support. He is a very energetic, informed, well reasoned, and exerting individual. He is a perfect mix for what we need, and I believe with his cabinet and staff he will all the resources at his fingertips to be a great POTUS.

Q: What is your evaluation of how the campaigning between candidates has gone overall?

Greene12 (Feds): Everything I've seen from the candidates themselves seems quite legit and respectable, though I can’t say I've followed the campaigning too closely either.

Iasov (Libs): With Citizen Ads being down, it has seemed rather slow. About the only thing these candidates have had to rely on are word-of-mouth support, consistent forum and IRC chatter, and (excusably so) OrgNet voting. I sure hope Admin will fix Citizen Ads soon.

Nicholas Ryan (SEES): In my opinion, the lack of ads is really hurting Inwegen. Haliman's backed by a lot of parties, including USWP. He could do nothing and have a good shot, while Inwegen lacks the kind of name recognition you'd normally associate with someone who's been around the block as many times as he has. He really needed ads and I think Haliman's going to pull it off.

Athanaric (UIP): Despicably. I'm with others with this when I say that the mudslinging from Inwegen and Haliman both has been a poor show of who they are and what they are both capable of. People should be better, and the main reason I have yet to openly support either of them is because of their tactics. Both candidates have not exemplified any sort of dignity or good will. They have treated each other with contempt and petty attacks. They should know better.

S3RO (USWP): On the forums there have been aggressive campaigning between candidate supporters. Despite this, the candidates have been very tame. Neither ended up attacking the other on personal traits and it’s been mostly about the issues, so from that perspective its been fairly civilized.

No matter which candidate you prefer, please be sure to make your voice heard and your vote count!

Please VOTE, SHOUT and SUBSCRIBE! Thanks for reading!
~Hadrian X


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