Q10 with Emerick (Farewell to an eLegend)

Day 1,138, 19:07 Published in USA USA by Hadrian X
The Q10 (Ten Quick Questions) – "Lates fgts" Edition
with eRep legend (and his dragon penis), Emerick.

CLICK HERE! <- For HobbitTon’s exit interview with Emerick!

While idling on IRC this evening, Emerick (aka Gagah, aka BenderBendingRodriguez, aka Sensei) approached me and asked if I would be interested in doing an interview with him. Of course Em being an eRep legend, I was intrigued. Emerick then proceeded to inform me that he was quitting the game and the interview went as follows…

Q1: I have to ask, are you truly serious about leaving the game forever? If so, what prompted your decision and why now?

Emerick: Yes, I'm leaving forever. I'm p much done with the game, even if PANAM is somewhat exciting. Even so, I'm fairly certain that it either won't or can't be done perfectly, and on top of that, it'll have plenty of resistance(that might just press the stop button on the entire thing), and that'll just be bullshit. After playing this game for 3 years, you come to the realization that, even though we're in control of our country's future and position in the world, a lot of people are so just fine with the status quo that it drives pangs of intellectual boredom into your skull until you just end up pissing on everyone. I'm done trying to make this game interesting. Enjoy continuing to fight Rumania vs. Hungary. Croatia vs. Servia. I'm done with it.

Q2: Ok, I have to ask again… are you REALLY leaving eRep? Permanently? You’re not going to pull a Brett Favre and come back in a few weeks? You are serious about this being your final day on eRepublik?

Emerick: 😑 I might check in, probably on IRC. I don't see myself being stimulated by this game ever again, though. This game is cyclical because people let it. And I'm done trying to fight them. Yes. The end.

Q3: What do you consider your greatest achievements in the game and more specifically, your contributions to the eUSA?

Emerick: You mean besides saving America? I've thought a lot about it. After I was president, there was a lot of teamwork and togetherness, and not a lot of people working on their own legacy. I don't know if it's because everyone pushed the teamwork spiel so hard when we were at war, or because I set the bar so high that no one thought that they could top it, but it sucked. This year has been awful. No one has tried asserting their excellence much at all, and there's been a complete lack of healthy competition politically. We might as well have been dead. It just goes to show that after the crisis, life needs to go on.

I tried to make a group that would allow me to personally mentor people to be like me, being the grade A narcissist that I am, but that hasn't worked out fantastically either. I don't know if it's because people like me fucking hate working in parties, or if it's just me, but fuck it.

My greatest achievement would probably have to be topping scrabman’s legacy. I'm so proud of that. My hatred for him was the backbone of everything I did for almost the entirety of last year, from doing the goddamn best I could as president, to sticking around to support us and our interests as the "voice of America", as I saw it, with my paper. I can proudly say that I stand above him, my legacy outshines his, and my people have crushed his.

I'm also responsible for about as many memes on eRep than /v/akistan itself. Corea - me. Brolliance with Canada - me. fgt - me. Servia - me. There's more that I can't remember right now. But a lot of these memes are used more internationally than you'd know. I was a fucking internet superstar.

Emerick is Kosovo.
Emerick is Servia.
Emerick is great.

Oh, and I named the Great War of 2009

Emerick’s Photo Album

On Hungary

Big Name Fan = Kosovo is Serbia = Emerick is Kosovo/Servia

Q4: Where do you see the future of the game headed, both in terms of the eUS and in terms of game play itself?

Emerick: I could care less, honestly.

Q5: Which citizens have had the greatest influence/impact, both positively and negatively, on your time here in eRep?

Nave and scrabman, probably. I hated them both for different reasons, and I wanted to top them in every way. Oh, and Dio.

Q6: Which, if any, citizens do you forsee having the potential to take on a large, positive role in the future of the eUS? Which citizen(s) do you see holding the eUS back?

Emerick: Haliman would suck as president. I'm so disgusted with the parties right now for electing to endorse him, just because they don't like CRoy. It's the biggest act of irresponsible immaturity that I've seen here in a long, long time. As for anyone else, the future is hazy. Always changing it is. Especially in these exciting and uncertain times. Enjoy it while it lasts, because it'll be business as usual very, very soon again.

Q7: Not counting yourself in the equation, who do you feel has been the best POTUS and who has been the worst and why?

Emerick: I've always liked and wanted a president that connected with the people without being a huge faggot about it. As much as I hated Nave, he was an excellent president for both his connection with the citizenry and his ability to play the upper channels and make himself larger than life. My hatred for him stems purely from his irl lifestyle, which is a spoiled rich daddy's boy. Benn was p decent at it. Krems was not so great at it, though he tried. He really dissappointed me. ArcNox would be great. If he felt like putting in the effort, he'd be fucking amazing. I played another game with him, and he took control like a pro, organized everyone, and waved his balls in front of our enemies like a regular Jesse James. He's great.

Q8: What, if anything, do you think you will miss most about eRepublik?

Emerick: I'll miss playing international diplomacy, even though when I played it, for the most part, it didn't matter. I love the game for it's potential to let people shape the world's stage, no matter what their irl is like. But the players hold themselves back.

Q9: If you could forcibly drag any one other player into permanent retirement with you, who would it be and why?

Emerick: Haliman because he'll most likely fuck up everything. Oh, and I'd drag the entire Federalist party out of this game. That's a shit party if there's ever been one.

Q10: Since this is your swan song on eRep, what would you like your eEpitaph to read?

Emerick: "He looked like a man.” No. "Fuck you." No. "Better than you.” No. "Better than scrabman.” No. "Best president that ever lived.” No. "Fuck you.” That'll do.

Q10a: Any New Year’s Resolutions?

Emerick: Have sex with a living creature.

Q10b: Do you have any last thoughts/words you’d like to share with everyone?

Emerick: Yeah. Don’t do drugs.
Bewa bewa bewa bewa
Or maybe, "fight for what you want, push yourself into the spotlight, step on those in your way, and always be quality."
Is that better?

Vote + Sub! In memoriam of the great Emerick. Do it for Em… V+S. He probably called you a fgt, but I’m sure he didn’t mean it - not really – he most likely did. Vote and Subscribe anyway!

Thanks for reading!

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