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Weekly Congressional Update (KS) & Thoughts on Taxes (CTPA)

4 Day 419, 10:53 Published in USA USA

Hello! Time for this week's update on my congressional voting record!

I normally like to list out each item I voted for individually so that my votes are as clear as possible, but this week there were LOTS of proposals, and many of them were

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*** For Opressed Countries Across the Globe... ***

19 Day 415, 16:22 Published in USA USA

Recently, we’ve seen a rash of articles in the media either lamenting the destruction of smaller countries such as India, and China, or begging for help in freeing oppressed countries such as Israel and Greece. Unfortunately, American leadership

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Land Salaries Soar, Construction Salaries are Total Crap

11 Day 414, 13:55 Published in USA USA

I noticed something curious today, as I looked through Human Resources to see what jobs/salaries were available for my industry (which is construction). The construction industry pays their workers wayyyy less than other industries, especially land.

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Congressional Voting Weekly Update (KS)

0 Day 412, 12:59 Published in USA USA

Here is my second update to my congressional voting record during my term as Congressman of the state of Kansas. If you have comments or questions, feel free to message me.

Make sure to vote today!

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Aarons-Miller, Zigon1, and Taking Your Right to Vote Seriously

3 Day 411, 14:05 Published in USA USA

First off, most of you have probably heard about the Aarons-Miller situation by now. Just in case you haven't, you can read all about it by clicking here.

I found

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