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About my newspaper

Open Wiki page

My newspaper has covered subjects such as economics, politics, governmental updates and general commentary. I try to ensure that everything I write in it is accurate.
I hope you enjoy.


26 Day 1,158, 11:40 Published in Ireland Ireland

Hi everyone,

It’s been a while, but after visiting the irc a couple of times and reading the news over the past few weeks, I realised that I should have released an article a long time ago... and no it's not a CP update 😃

It is in fact a

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CP Update - eReasonable

18 Day 1,067, 22:09 Published in Ireland Ireland

Hey Everyone,

I’ve had a bit of a reflection over the last few days, because I didn’t think that things were going as well as they could have been. Some of the contributing factors were out of my hands and indeed things which none of us are in

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CP Update - A Great Day for Ireland

23 Day 1,059, 13:21 Published in Ireland Ireland

Today is a great day for eIreland. Over the last 24 hours some members of the community to which we all belong showed themselves to be great eIrish citizens and because of our citizens recent achievements eIreland has had a great day.


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CP Update - Training War

17 Day 1,057, 21:05 Published in Ireland Ireland

Hi folks,

Just a quick update here, it was going to be a big one, because there is a lot of things that I need want to talk about. Sadly it’s just gone past 5am and I need my beauty sleep, so I can only afford to keep it short.

Training War[

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CP Update - Ministry stuff

29 Day 1,054, 11:38 Published in Ireland Ireland

Right so today has been a long day of stating intent with the ministries and ministers and some great ideas have come forward today.

Ministry of Education
We've set the goal for

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