CP Update - eReasonable

Day 1,067, 22:09 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Connell

Hey Everyone,

I’ve had a bit of a reflection over the last few days, because I didn’t think that things were going as well as they could have been. Some of the contributing factors were out of my hands and indeed things which none of us are in control of. It’s a pretty personal update, I’m just talking of my experiences.

Too Much
The first week of this term was incredibly busy, even before the elections I was spending far too much time playing this game. I was neglecting every aspect of Real Life(RL) university, work, even just day to day tasks were pushed aside. The first week I was elected I actually didn’t get to a single lecture, tutorial, laboratory or exam, didn’t do any work, was barely sleeping and wasn’t eating properly. There’s a shop directly opposite to my house + literally that’s as far as I went for 5 days. I missed one of my best mates 21st birthday too...(I just remembered that) So I was being really really stupid with this in relation to how I just spent all day on erepublik and that was one of my first mistakes.

Burnt Out
When you overdo something like erepublik, you’ll see it time and time again. People, they just come to a realisation that what they’re doing is essentially wasting their time. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve learnt a huge amount from this game If you get involved you can really learn so much about people and how organisations are run, “politics” as such and much much more. It’s truly a fantastic game in that respect, I’d say there’s very little like it and I’m writing this with a smile, because I’m really very happy about that part of it. It’s a great game as long as it’s played as a game, but what I did was I made the game into a full time 18+ hour a day job which really doesn’t pay very well + it was just too much.

So after missing one of my friends 21st, I went to another friends 21st(late) and through talking to one of my mates, I really just came to a realisation that what I had been doing was so pointless and damaging. Primarily I had stopped getting enjoyment from the game + it had taken over my regular and real, solid and physical life. Really I can only laugh and I can tell you that I’m never going to do that again, because whether you’re a college student, middle-aged single man, a provider or a “younger person” there is something more worthwhile that you could be doing.
Word of Advice: Don’t do what I did. Don’t spend your whole day and night playing a computer game XD

That is what the story was, and to be honest I figured on Friday night(albeit with a few beers in me) that I was going to quit this game and that would be that. But the more I think about it, the more I realise what a bad decision that would be. I know too many people here, I’ve made too many friends and I’m not going to turn my back on something which I’ve been learning about for over a year or those people which have helped me out. I’ve been on the receiving end of good faith by some people and ofc (of course) voted in by most of the people in eIreland too. I have a responsibility and whether it really takes relevance over my real life or not, within reason I’m still going to fill that responsibility to the best of my ability.

There’s still a lot of things which need to be done, but I assure you that it will be done under this administration.

completely unrelated gif

Edit 1: I’ll be less active? Who am I kidding it’s 6:30am. Bed time!!!