Three: A Magic Number

Day 734, 19:04 Published in USA USA by Fionia

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An Apology and a Correction

I forgot to mention in my last article that St. Krems was actually on two of the lists. He was rated as a 4 on the 2nd Congressional Checkup, but I missed his name on the list. Sorry, Krems, wasn't trying to forget you. (*Note to self: Don't write articles at midnight)

My Election Endorsements

In my last two articles, I mentioned three people that I think should be elected for their first term. Today, I have another name to add to this first-termer list.

The List
* Patches O'Houlihan (Mississippi)
* b. k. blake (Nebraska)
* Herrn Sterling (Vermont)
* NEW: Vincenzo Macena (New Jersey)
Also, I would like to endorse one candidate who is not running for a first term, but is also not an incumbent: mjdiv. You might have heard of him before; he's been my main opponent in the past two elections. But guess what? He's running in Rhode Island this time.

I am looking forward to being able to serve in Congress with any, and hopefully all of these fine people. Good luck to all on Wednesday.

Shameless Self-Promotion
Check out my two recent articles, all about Congress:
* Election Advice
* Congressional Rankings- Analyzed

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for:
Campaign Platform: Fionia for a third term

Before I begin, I suggest you read my past platforms:
* September
* October

Why am I running again?
Two reasons, actually. One, I like Congress. There are some good, knowledgeable, and friendly people there right now, people that I want to keep working with (note: I said some, not all of Congress is like this). Two, even though I have been there for two terms, there is always room for improvement. There is still more that I feel I can do, more contributions that I feel I can make.

Who am I?
Well, if you want a somewhat detailed biography, albeit not recently updated, click here.
However, if you would like some simple credentials, I am the two-term incumbent Congresswoman of New York, as well as the Deputy Director of the NAU. I am also an active (and proud) member of the USWP and the editor-in-chief of this newspaper that you are reading right now.

My Views On:

Congress has a role in this game, and I believe that it is an important run. That said, it can only fulfill this role if it has active, knowledgeable members, and those members can work together. For the active members part, that is why I have started endorsing people this term: these people aren't just my friends. They are people that I have been watching, and they are exactly the type of people I think Congress needs.
Fortunately, I have not encountered much partisanship yet in my two terms. I have respect for people based on their activity levels, intelligence, and ability to work with people, not based on what party they are from, and from what I can tell, my fellow Congressmen (and women) these past two terms believe the same.

I said it last month, and I will say it again. New York will not be getting a hospital. There is not enough of an active population base to support it. When I mass PMed the state earlier this month, out of the ~300 PMs I sent (to all citizens with >35 exp points that weren't dead), I got a mere 10 responses. I would like to help the people of New York, but I will not make false promises just to win votes.

Taxes are a necessity, even if we may not like paying them. Here again, I would like to reiterate my previous position: I will not vote to raise taxes if it will significantly harm my constituents, and I will not vote to raise taxes if there is no apparent benefit to the increase.

The Citizens of New York
I am here to help. If you need advice, I can give it to you. If you need gifts, or moving tickets to get to a fortress state (Florida or California), I can give it to you, or get one of my friends to help if I don't have enough money. If you would like to talk to me more directly, instead of through PMs, you can go to my IRC channel. I am definitely available from 9 to 11 PM EST, but I am also usually available at other times after 3 PM EST. And if I am not, Devan Kronos might be around to help you too.

Foreign Affairs
This is a very unstable time in the world of international epolitics. We need to be cautious in our actions moving forward, not bloodthirsty for revenge. This is a time when we can change the course of history, and we cannot afford to mess this opportunity up. As a country, we need to decide which countries are worth forgiving, because we cannot retaliate against all of our old enemies.

My Endorsements
No, I'm not giving more, I've actually been endorsed by a few people (and a couple parties). You might recognize these names:
* Jewitt
* Serendipitous
* mjdiv
* Devan Kronos
* b. k. blake
* Dodgercatcher

And, after this article was written, I was endorsed by the ICCCR and AfGG.

To all of my loyal readers and subscribers, thank you. To all those who have voted for me in the past, and plan on voting for me on Wednesday, thank you. I look forward to continuing on in Congress, and in politics in general in this game.

And to my opponent, Brett Miller, good luck. Let the polls decide.

Signing off,