Born to Run... Vincenzo Macena for New Jersey!

Day 734, 11:56 Published in USA USA by Vincenzo Macena

Fellow eUS citizens, my name is Vincenzo Macena and I respectfully ask you to consider supporting my bid to represent New Jersey in our Congress. I am a member of the Democratic Party and I am running under the banner of the AAP. This is my inaugural run and I am prepared to bring a fresh perspective and enthusiasm to the execution of my duties.

About me:

-Born Day 501
-eDemocrat Communications Team Leader “The Flying Donkeys”
-CO Delta Company US Home Guard
-Fmr. CO Alpha 3 “Macena's Marauders”

Why I want to run:

I am ready for a new challenge and my position in the HG allows me to seek Congressional office while continuing to lead my Company. It's good to continually have new players participate in our government. With my knowledge of game mechanics, experience in the HG, and desire to continue to learn and grow as an eRep player, I am ready to represent the citizens of New Jersey.


I appreciate the difference between RL political views and the nuances of eRepublik and I understand the powers of eCongress. Timeliness, accountability, and non-partisanship are the most important principles I will strive for. I also appreciate the balance that must be struck between game mechanics and the social element of the game, and am prepared to increase my participation in IRC and the forums. There is much more to learn about the game, especially in the political arena, and I am prepared to do my best to be an educated voter and to research carefully the proposals put forth. I can promise active involvement in my role as Senator.

The Issues:


Fortresses/ Hospitals: The debate about additional hospitals and fortresses is distracting and at worst a cheap attempt to buy votes. I feel that the current setup is adequate for our security needs, and that there is no need to hastily spend your tax dollars. I do support creating a contingency plan in the case of a national emergency, should it become necessary to swiftly plant a Q5 Fortress/ Hospital complex in one of our states. We all know what happened with the complex we fielded in Kansas, so this is not a decision to be made lightly.

Taxes: I support the current tax structure and see no need to modify it unless it should fail to supply our government with the necessary funding to support our infrastructure and execution of our duties.

New citizens: Player involvement and retention is of critical importance to our nation. I have been supportive of the initiatives to recruit new players, opportunities for mentorship, and moving tickets, especially through the eUSA Welcoming Committee. I am committed to doing my part, not only to support their efforts, but to reach out to the active players in New Jersey. I have played the role of mentor in the HG and am prepared to work hard with my constituents to get them the resources they need to succeed and get involved.

As for the citizen fee and minimum wage, I see no need to modify this.

I am also in support of the program to give active citizens weapons in times of national emergency, and want to make sure we have funding earmarked for that contingency. The program was a great success and helped secure our victory in the closing days of WWIII.

eUS military: I am a champion of our Armed Forces and will continue to develop a healthy dialogue between our armies and their government representatives. I am eager to reach out to fellow congressmen and women and get them involved with the Home Guard. I will continue to work with the HG command to become more efficient and continue its tradition of excellence. I am prepared to actively encourage all eUS citizens to become active in the military, starting with following DoD orders.

I am committed to ensuring a timely passing of military funding requests.

Foreign Affairs-

This is a critical time for our foreign policy with PEACE crumbling and the increased cost of MPPs. We are entering a transitional period that will require a careful evaluation of our global strategy. We need to proceed cautiously as a nation, being neither hasty to war, nor slow to lend a helping hand to liberate our friends. I am supportive of our current President’s strategy on these issues.

The areas of most concern to me are Central Europe and the Far East. The Far East is of particular concern, since we have no strong ally in that region. eRussia is a present threat and eIran and eIndonesia still occupy many territories. We need to find a powerful ally in Asia to help secure that front. Central Europe is not as critical because of its distance and EDEN countries in the region, including our powerful ally eCroatia. However, the continued aggression of eHungary requires vigilance.

EDEN: I am against formally joining EDEN. We need to maintain friendly military and economic relations, but we need to take opportunities to court disaffected countries in the region like eItaly and I don’t want the eUS restricted by formal alliance with so much upheaval on the world scene.

Brolliance: I would consider a very limited expansion this crucial alliance to other trusted allies like eAustralia.


Democratic Party

“Vincenzo Macena has shown nothing but energy, passion, and wisdom since I've worked with him. He's committed to using a non-partisan, game-mechanics based strategy to make the eUS even better. I heartily endorse him.” - Mr. Hyphenated - Democratic Party President

"Vincenzo Macena has been an invaluable leader in the Home Guard. He has a good head for the game and has the best interest of the country in mind. He is an excellent choice for Congress and a role model for all players." - Jankems - General of the Home Guard

more to come...

Celebrity Endorsements