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The only "-ism" worth following is Antagonism. Pick your stance, pronounce it loudly and with great fervour, and defend it to the last. Be a voice of reason in a world gone mad. Or a voice gone mad in the world for no reason.

And remember: Objectivity is for the weak.

[Ministry of Re-Education] How To Run For CP

13 Day 2,543, 15:40 Published in Canada Canada First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Alright, maggots, listen up. You want that Country President medal so bad you can taste it, right? Well here's your handy guide on how to win it. Start studying up now because the next election is only a … read more »

[MDP] CP Election Candidate Breakdown

23 Day 2,540, 22:50 Published in Canada Canada First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

It's just about that time again. The lulz-o-coaster has plenty of passengers this time around, and the mudslinging has been fun but lackluster. Once again, MDP must show eCanada how it's done.

Magic Bus CPF Candidate


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[MoR-E] Hallowe'en Etiquette

6 Day 2,537, 11:36 Published in Canada Canada First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Listen up, maggots. It's that time of year when parents abandon all the rules they have taught their children all year and send them door-to-door begging for candy from strangers. This is the only … read more »

[MoR-E]How 2 Congress

14 Day 2,532, 09:05 Published in Canada Canada First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik


Class dismissed.

CRoO: more »

[MDP] Dam-busting

35 Day 2,530, 19:29 Published in Canada Canada First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Recently, there has been some unpleasantness involving me, McVicker and my friend Thedillpickl. I have made my semi-private apologies to Dill for the abrupt tone of the discussion, but for the rest of you, I should like to relate my side of this

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