[Mav] The Hype and the War

1,439일 20:06 India에 게시 인도 - Mav10 DK

Diktatory Warning: Short artikles are fail. Get Informed, Get Inspired, Get Involved. Don't be a Dik.
Oct 29, Day 1439 | Article #56.0 | Tags: What the fuck is going on?

As you might have noticed, we are kinda in a 'war' with Thailand, which is to say we're getting wiped by them. Voluntarily. 😛

I've been quite supportive of Prabal & his team; if nothing (& they have done way more than nothing) their intention & heart has been in the right place; more so than many others before them. eIndia does need its regular 'shots in the arm' to 'stay alive' ... but question is, 'is this shot in the arm worth it?' What is the gain that is to come out of this war/wipe-out? And how DO we extract maximum gain out of it?

I say its worth only as much as we, all eIndians, make it. And as it stands now, besides our personal medals, NE bonus & accomplishments, we are nowhere near making any gains from it so far as the nation is concerned. I'll even go so far as to say, we suck as a nation.

Now for the average 'uninformed', I'll just highlight a few mostly-known-but-seldom-acknowledged 'facts'.

Fact 1: Thailand is run by Serbia.
Firstly, this is not Pakistan, which was backed by Serbia. This IS Serbia. Trust me when I say this, as I've been handling eIndian Foreign Affairs for more terms than I care to remember, this is not a case of 'lets wait for Serbia to be busy elsewhere, so we can win regions'.

Incidentally for some time now, I have been friends with some of the chaps who 'run things' in Thailand & I have it on good accord that Serbia would defend Thailand as they would an original region. If we still haven't got this through into our heads, now is a good time to do so. 😁

Fact 2: We are far-out damaged to even consider winning this 'war'.
As Hamturk's (bless his trollish soul) article so succinctly puts it, we don't stand a chance. Never did. Why? Refer to Fact 1. 😛

All Serbia needs to do in order to ensure we don't win is divert *only* 3 million damage out of its more or less 'reserve 500 million' - going by Hammy's figures.

Fact 3: Contrary to popular belief, we are not getting wiped
Yeah yeah, even as I've been saying 'getting wiped' I know for certain, we won't be. As I've told Prabal so many times to the extent that his eyes probably hurt seeing me say it - Thailand wants it damage EXCLUSIVELY for Serbia. Period. That is the reason they had declined from doing even a Training War when approached in the past, and even this war with us is essentially draining their damage from Serbia's battles. And they don't want that.

So, again ... we are not getting wiped. We will likely lose a few more regions (again, ones that will not affect our region bonuses - no matter what we say, we have to hand it to them, the ThaiSerbs are pretty honorable there), a few more days of 'fun' - more for them, than for us - then region returns and free RH medals, if one can beat the bots. 😛

So that leads me to the emphasis on Fact 4 & 5 ... Indian Armed Forces, if you want to get your act right, you don't have much time; before this war is closed out. Unless you want to NE them again or refuse to close the war - because then it would be just plain stupid.

We suck. Even at getting wiped!

Fact 4: We did not enter this war to win it, but to 'have fun'.
So what DID we go to war for? Now this question does have some rather cryptic answers. Without going into the 'secret plans for global mind-fuck domination', it was with two goals as Prabal & his Cabinet had cited.

a) To provide some excitement to newbies.
b) To increase coordination within our Armed Forces.

Firstly, the two points go hand in hand in a way. As Zere aptly points out in 'Are we losing the war ... and eIndia?' - what has Not been going right for us in this war.

Simply put, there is no fun in getting wiped ONLY. The 'fun' is in coordinated hits, greater camaraderie, using this as a training exercise, showing the world what India can do with its 16-25 million damage output everyday, at least putting a concentrated EFFORT to win, no matter the result. Though it might seem contrary to what I said earlier about not having a chance of 'winning' the war - our victory lies not in just winning rounds - but holding out, making precision strikes in RW's, coordinating with ally soldiers/tanks and thus developing better contacts with them, etc ~ basically putting Indian Armed Forces on the map.

Fact 5: There is no central command or coordination AS YET.
As we can clearly see, there is no such thing. 4 battles down and I think 2-3 RW's & its still a complete mess. I believe #agni (private with password protect) was meant to be the coordination channel, with #india-fight (public) for dispatch to foreign and local soldiers. That is not how it is working now.

No IAF orders out & MU's have ZERO coordination. Yesterday, for example the MU orders & campaign were set to Maharashtra, whereas the hits were required for the 'region return' in Tamil Nadu RW. It was only a handful of us fighting there fending off the BH hunters. The fact that there weren't even enough soldiers to fend off against a few lame BH hunters was quite pathetic tbh.

Idk to what extent AHF & Marcos are functioning, but they are nowhere in sync - no universal dispatch system or even coordination between the Commanders or even with the MoD.

No Communication on War strategy There is a complete break-down of communication as far as strategy & even dispatch is concerned. No one has any idea how to go about it or what the dispatch amount for the day is supposed to be. Hemanathan & Mohan are the only ones at all doing any dispatch? Why can't others step up or have both our MU"s given up functioning?

Sharry had given a pretty decent idea of dispatching to newbies to help them level up faster. But there seems to have been no follow up on it.

Do the dispatch right! Get those heavy machinery out!!!

The idea is not just to criticize. As I said right at the beginning, Prabal & his team have got the intention right. But they can't do it on their own. This needs a concentrated effort from whole of India, if we want to bring out some good out of this 'war'.

Personal medals, Ne bonus, these things are easy to demand and work for. Working for eIndia - not so easy, but I can assure you, far more gratifying.

Yesterday I couldn't help but get pissed as I saw people just 'finishing off their food fights', hitting in rounds even as the wall was ON 75%!!! And this wasn't even for BH medals! And at other times, not a single soldier available even as the bar was below 50%. I've said this before and I'll say it again, if India doesn't unite for the sake of India, then our future is quite bleak & we don't even deserve to be on the map.

For the Government, our resident War strategist supremo, David aptly lays out the 'perfect plan' to turn this current disaster of a war into a 'victory'. I suggest you look into it and implement them to the letter. Our MoFA, SVV has already been handed over a free MU for the Indian Special Forces. In tandem with that and David's ideas - I strongly advise that you get this party started!!!

Can this war be turned into a fun affair for all?
Yes we can!

She definitely can party as well!!!

On a different note, I had been saving up on my bazookas & energy bars for the day I would have to blow off some steam. Thankfully today was a lucky day. While I was never one to play for medals much, fighting in battles is quite fun. Especially when it comes to your first BH, CH & RH in 1 day ... and without having to spend a single gold for it.

At the outset, I noticed Ifke & Skyhook had bid in the Tamil Nadu Resistance War & taking a chance I, and then on my suggestion, some friends of mine bid on the RW as well. Later it was confirmed that it indeed Was a region return & thus a guaranteed (first!) Resistance Hero medal.

Armed with 28-29 bazookas & some 14-15 energy bars in stock, and pissed at the lack of soldiers present to even defend against opposition BH hunters, i went on a rampage in the 2nd round, only to end up with my first Battle Hero, soon followed by my 2nd BH in the 6th round - while beating off a 8.5+k tank with a difference of 408 influence between us! Of course by then it was pretty certain I had clinched the (again, first!) Campaign Hero as well.

Incidentally I also ranked up to Field Marshall** and will be getting to 4.5k str tomorrow. All in all, a good day I'd say. \m/

Your MavoPissedAsHell,
~ TDC Editor ~ Knight of DODGE ~ Dik Grande
>>> Thoughts on Dioism

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