Usher in Change

Day 1,322, 14:21 Published in Canada Turkey by Ethel Rosenberg

July 5 is a date that will usher in change in eCanada, change that some might say is long overdue.

Out of the slate of candidates, one stands out from the rest and that candidate is Sperry.

I hope that you will join me in voting for him tomorrow. He has spent the past couple of weeks sharing with us his vision for eCanada - and that vision focuses around you.

I want to encourage you to join me in voting for Sperry tomorrow - he is the candidate that will make a difference for all of us.

July 5th - Sperry & TemujinBC
July 5th - Demand the Best
July 5th - The Most Powerful Button
July 5th - Cabinet Release
July 5th - Our Magna Carta
July 5th - Where the Mind is Without Fear
July 5th - On the Eve of the Election

Dum Spiro Spero
July 5th - Vote Sperry

P.S. A big thanks to CFovetS for my new artwork!